Live updates: Democrats join GOP to pass funding bill, avoiding government shutdown

Live updates: Democrats join GOP to pass funding bill, avoiding government shutdown

Can we expect another shutdown from the government?

On Tuesday, the House of Representatives approved a government funding bill proposed by Republican House Speaker Mike Johnson, preventing a government shutdown – at least for the time being.

209 Democratic representatives voted in favor of the bill, resulting in a passing vote of 336 to 95. 93 Republican representatives voted against the bill.

On Saturday, Mr. Johnson revealed his strategy to prevent a partial shutdown and provide continued funding for various agencies and programs until January 19th. He also proposed extending funding for other areas of the government until February 2nd.

The new approach is being taken for a temporary funding bill, as lawmakers typically approve funding for all programs simultaneously and until a predetermined date.

The leaders of the Senate are determined to pass the bill at the earliest opportunity.

Majority Leader Chuck Schumer informed reporters that both the White House and he concurred that preventing a shutdown would be beneficial.

According to Mr. Johnson, the two-step continuing resolution is an essential measure to put House Republicans in a favorable position to advocate for conservative successes.


Hakeem Jeffries explains the reasoning behind Democrats supporting the Republican spending bill.

On Tuesday, Congress successfully passed a short-term funding bill in order to prevent a government shutdown. A significant number of Democrats supported Speaker Mike Johnson in passing the bill in the House.

Upon entering the vote, Democratic Leader Hakeem Jeffries stated that since the start of the Congress, House Democrats have prioritized the well-being of people over political agendas and have strived to work together with our Republican counterparts whenever feasible. However, we will also oppose Republican extremism when necessary.

“The current resolution being considered by the House satisfies those requirements and we will endorse it.”

Josh Marcus14 November 2023 23:41

Is there already a plan for retaliation against Mike Johnson by the Republicans?

Shortly after aiding in the passing of a divisive government funding bill with some Democratic backing, Kevin McCarthy was removed from his role as House Speaker.

The Republican party could potentially be planning a comparable consequence for the recently elected House Speaker, Mike Johnson, for using a similar strategy to avoid a shutdown of the government.

Some Republicans are contemplating delaying future laws as a form of protest against the conciliatory approach.

Ralph Norman of South Carolina expressed a belief that when faced with opposition, it is better to halt progress altogether.

Josh Marcus14 November 2023 23:36

A greater number of House Democrats compared to Republicans vote in favor of keeping the government operational.

209 Democratic representatives voted in favor of the bill, while 127 Republican representatives opposed it. The legislation proposed a “laddered” continuing resolution, which would provide funding for certain parts of the government until January 19, 2024 and other parts until February 2, 2024.

The decision was in favor of newly-elected Speaker Mike Johnson, who suggested a two-tiered strategy in order to prevent the passing of a large “omnibus” spending bill. Instead, the approach is to pass 12 separate spending bills, a request made by conservative members of the House Republican conference.

The Independent’s Eric Garcia reports the complete account from Washington.

Josh Marcus14 November 2023 23:00

that takes the first part and then adds the second part

A peculiar two-stage procedure that combines the initial part with an additional component.

Johnson’s plan suggests a distinctive – according to critics, peculiar – two-step approach that provides temporary funding for certain federal agencies until January 19th and others until February 2nd. This is known as a continuing resolution, or CR, and it does not include the significant budget reductions that conservatives have been pushing for throughout the year. Additionally, it does not incorporate President Joe Biden’s proposal for almost $106 billion in supplemental funds for Ukraine, Israel, border security, and other purposes.

Johnson suggests that taking an innovative approach would prepare House Republicans for advocating for more significant spending reductions in the upcoming year. However, numerous Republicans are doubtful that there will be a more favorable result in January.

The House Freedom Caucus declared their disapproval, guaranteeing numerous votes against the proposal.

Rep. Chip Roy, a member of the conservative congressional group, expressed that he believes it is a significant error.

Representative Andy Ogles, a Republican from Tennessee, stated that the information is incorrect.

Johnson was left with limited choices and had to forgo the usual party-only procedural vote. Instead, they had to resort to a different method that would only be successful with a two-thirds majority, including Democrats.

AP14 November 2023 23:00

“You must select battles that are within your capabilities to win.”

The recently appointed Republican leader is confronted with a similar political predicament as McCarthy’s downfall – disaffected, irate, conservative GOP legislators refusing to accept his tactics, advocating for spending reductions, and committed to opposing the proposal. With insufficient backing from his Republican colleagues, Johnson had limited options and had to turn to Democrats for help in passing the plan to maintain the functioning of the federal government.

“We are not giving up,” Johnson stated confidently following a private gathering with House Republicans. He pledged that he would not back another temporary solution. “However, it is important to pick battles that have a chance of success.”

On Tuesday, Johnson publicly declared his support for Donald Trump as the Republican candidate for president. He appeared on television to promote his stance and also had a meeting with the conservative Freedom Caucus on Monday evening.

AP14 November 2023 22:00

The House is getting ready to vote on a measure to avoid a government shutdown.

On Tuesday, the House made arrangements for a vote to avoid a government shutdown. The newly appointed Republican Speaker, Mike Johnson, had to collaborate with Democrats when far-right conservatives opposed his strategy.

In order to keep the federal government operational through the start of the new year, Johnson was prepared to leave behind his more conservative Republican colleagues and collaborate with Democrats. This decision mirrors the one that led to the previous House speaker, Kevin McCarthy, losing his position just a few weeks ago.

Johnson, a representative from Louisiana, seemed to be making progress towards a temporary improvement as a few Republicans expressed dissatisfaction but did not go as far as to consider removing the speaker. The Senate will take action next, before the deadline for a potential government shutdown on Friday.

“It is our moral responsibility to ensure the government continues functioning. We owe this to the citizens of America,” stated Johnson during a press briefing at the Capitol Building.

AP14 November 2023 21:30

In a heated argument during a House hearing, James Comer insults Rep. Moskowitz by calling him a “smurf.”

During a heated argument in a House hearing, James Comer directed an insult at Rep. Moskowitz, referring to him as a “smurf”.

The Independent14 November 2023 21:00

The House will vote on a measure to prevent a government shutdown amidst disagreements within the Republican Party.

The House of Representatives will be voting on measures to prevent a government shutdown in the midst of disagreements within the Republican party.

Gustaf Kilander14 November 2023 20:30

In a video, Speaker Mike Johnson claims that Congress has developed a reliance on deficit spending.

According to Mike Johnson, Congress has a dependency on deficit spending.

The Independent14 November 2023 20:00

Chip Roy says that his vote cannot be assumed on any bill.

On Fox News, Rep Chip Roy stated, “My vote cannot be assumed on any bill if the speaker is going to disregard our concerns.”

He expressed his dislike for the ultimatum game and stated that he does not want to be persuaded with false claims of border security.

Gustaf Kilander14 November 2023 19:30
