Use your unique services as a competitive advantage to increase growth and profitability.

Use your unique services as a competitive advantage to increase growth and profitability.

The Business Reporter presents Ethos Farm.

Ethos Farm is highlighted by the Business Reporter.

When was the most recent occasion that you discussed your customers’ genuine opinions of your product or service during a boardroom meeting?

Although 64% of leaders believe that customer service contributes to their company’s growth in a positive way, many companies and their leaders do not prioritize it on their monthly boardroom meetings.

The demand for excellent customer service is at an all-time high, especially since the pandemic. A recent study revealed that 39% of customers have become less tolerant compared to before the Coronavirus outbreak in 2019. With evolving customer preferences, priorities, and tolerance levels, along with the widespread availability of technology, customers are quick to inform companies when they do not meet their expectations. They also share their experiences with their loved ones and colleagues.

With nearly half of customers expressing an increase in negative customer service encounters over the last year, it begs the question as to why certain companies are consistently failing in this aspect and potentially hindering their potential for growth. This topic is likely to spark discussion among the attendees at your upcoming board meeting.

Ethos Farm has been recognized for its expertise in improving the customer and employee experience. They understand that a positive customer experience begins with a positive employee experience. This company has a track record of successfully guiding their diverse global clients in implementing effective strategies that have yielded tangible benefits. These results demonstrate that exceptional service can truly set a business apart and drive profitability.

Rephrased: Developing a vision for services and a strategy for customer experience (CX).

Do you have a true understanding of your employees’ and customers’ thoughts? How are they currently feeling? What aspects are going smoothly and what areas need improvement? Keep in mind that your front-line teams who interact with customers directly are often the ones who have the most insight into their feedback.

Many businesses have a general goal, but a customer experience (CX) goal is an opportunity to establish and prioritize a collective customer service proposition: the mutual “why”; a mission and justification for all staff members.

Having a distinct plan and framework is crucial in achieving your desired goals in serving others.

The foremost factor is for the executive board or owners of the business to fully embrace this vision and its corresponding measures of achievement.

is the one that aligns

The ideal target operating model (TOM) is the one that is in alignment.

The organization’s structure should be guided by its strategy. Begin by establishing your strategy and then create a structure that is in line with it.

This could result in the establishment of additional executive positions in the boardroom solely focused on managing “service” throughout all aspects of the company, or modifying current roles to include responsibility for the entire customer experience.

Rewording: Workshops that map the entire customer journey are highly beneficial for identifying the individuals who are responsible and accountable for every interaction with the customer. Once the mapping is complete, it can effectively clarify the desired operating model for achieving success.

Embedding the use and evaluation of a service within your company.

Developing a distinct strategic plan and corresponding organizational framework will effectively facilitate the transformation of your service offerings. This can be integrated into a specific service protocol and code of conduct for frontline teams to implement.

One possible rewording could be: “Implement a training program to ensure that all staff members understand and incorporate service standards and behaviors throughout the entire organization.”

Establish and come to a consensus on customer service goals, such as improving Net Promoter Score or reducing complaints, and consistently monitor and measure progress towards achieving them.

A shared service proposal, set standards, and appropriate behaviors enable all individuals to consistently meet expected levels of performance, regardless of their position. The essential (CX) element should be present throughout the entire customer experience.

Ultimately, it is crucial to establish strong oversight in order to consistently monitor and report on the progress of initiatives, measures, and important outcomes. This framework of governance is essential in keeping customer experience a top priority for executives and ingraining a culture of ongoing enhancement in the customer journey.

With 70% of companies recognizing a clear correlation between customer service and success, this emphasizes the importance of prioritizing the customer experience in boardroom discussions.

Recognizing the value of customer input at the executive level and understanding the connection between employee satisfaction and customer satisfaction can greatly benefit companies. The employees who directly interact with customers play a crucial role in shaping their experience, making them a key factor in determining success. By fostering a positive company culture and prioritizing employee well-being, businesses can achieve higher levels of customer engagement.

Listen to the perspectives of Ethos Farm’s creators, Sally Alington and Mathew Garner, here.
