Sebastian Rogers search by United Cajun Navy called off after receiving death threats

Sebastian Rogers search by United Cajun Navy called off after receiving death threats
Missing Sebastian Rogers’ father speaks as search reaches one month mark

A non-profit organisation helping in the search for Sebastian Rogers in Tennessee called off its search on Friday over safety concerns.

Members of the United Cajun Navy reportedly received death threats online and in person, with the group announcing it was regrouping.

Meanwhile, the 15-year-old’s parents met with law enforcement on Thursday, as the search for him nears five weeks.

The 15-year-old’s father said he could not discuss with reporters what the meeting was about, but insisted that he still has hope that his son is out there somewhere.

“I don’t know if he’s been abducted or if he’s just over at a friend’s house, but I’ll know when I find him exactly what has happened to him,” Seth Rogers told Fox 17.

Authorities revealed on Tuesday that at least 10,000 miles had been logged by those searching for the autistic teenager, with an Amber Alert still in effect.

He vanished overnight on 25 February, with his mother Katie Proudfoot finding his bed empty the next morning.

So far there has been no sign of him.


Sebastian’s mom has her theory

Katie Proudfoot told Crime Stories with Nancy Grace on Monday that she feels someone has her son and that she couldn’t understand how the 15-year-old could not have been found yet otherwise.

“I feel like if he had been close to the house, or had walked off, that we would have found him by now with as many people as have been searching,” Ms Proudfoot told the podcast on Monday.

Sebastian’s mom and stepfather Chris Proudfoot were grilled by Nancy Grace, who asked them to clarify their whereabouts the night Sebastian disappeared in Hendersonville, while also calling on experts to give their views on the case.

You can read more here.

Dan Gooding29 March 2024 19:25


Seth Rogers is hoping for an Easter miracle

Sebastian Rogers’ father says he’s hoping for Easter miracle as search goes on
Dan Gooding29 March 2024 18:30


Search called off due to ‘death threats’: Report

Dan Gooding29 March 2024 17:30


Searches called off due to ‘security concerns’

A group organising searches for Sebastian says it has called off an event today.

The United Cajun Navy cited “increasing security concerns” as the reason for suspending its activities on Friday.

“This decision was not taken lightly is made with the safety of all volunteers in mind,” the group said in a Facebook post. “We want to thank all the volunteers that planned to be out searching today.”

Dan Gooding29 March 2024 16:50


Sebastian’s parents have met with law enforcement

As the search rumbles on, Sebastian’s father Seth Rogers, mother Katie Proudfoot and stepfather Chris Proudfoot all met with the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation on Thursday.

Mr Rogers told a local reporter that he could not share what was discussed but that he came away from the meeting feeling positive.

“Oh I always have hope. Can’t take that away from me,” Mr Rogers said, adding that he believes his son is playing video games somewhere and has no idea about the ongoing search for him.

Dan Gooding29 March 2024 16:08


WATCH: Sebastian’s mother said she has been crying for a month

Sebastian Rogers’ mother has been crying ‘on and off for a month’
Dan Gooding29 March 2024 15:11


Sebastian’s dad says he is hoping for ‘Easter miracle’

In a new interview on Thursday, Seth Rogers said he was hoping for an Easter miracle, as the search for his son reaches five weeks long.

Wearing a t-shirt with Sebastian’s face on, Mr Rogers described himself as a “walking handout” for a missing persons poster.

“Being a dad,” He said. “Having perseverance, wanting him to come home, wanting to watch him finish growing up.”

Dan Gooding29 March 2024 13:24


Sebastian’s mother defends leaving area after son’s disappearance

Katie Proudfoot, mother of missing teenager Sebastian Rogers has defended her decision to leave the area where her son was last seen, shortly after his disappearance.

Ms Proudfoot drove three hours away from her home to meet up with her husband and Sebastian’s stepfather, Chris Proudfoot, but said it was due to having received “threatening and hateful” messages from strangers.

“We are posting fliers every direction we can,” she told Fox and Friends on Thursday morning.

“But at the same time, there were quite a bit of people that were sending some very threatening and hateful messages to us. They’re following us. They’re driving past our house at all hours of the day or night, disturbing the neighborhood, and the neighborhood is very upset and concerned. They’re worried about their safety at this point.”

Ms Proudfoot added that she felt that leaving the neighborhood would help calm things down.

Mike Bedigan29 March 2024 06:10


Sebastian’s home was searched ‘at least’ ten times

Police ‘ready to search’ all leads on disappearance of missing teen Sebastian Rogers
Mike Bedigan28 March 2024 21:45


The story so far: Frantic searches and emotional interviews

From a pond being drained, to a reward for information and a mother’s tearful interview, the search for Sebastian has now passed the one-month mark.

Here is a rundown of the story so far:

Mike Bedigan28 March 2024 21:00
