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The guardians of a seriously ill infant have stated their intention to challenge a recent loss in their battle for life-sustaining medical care.
On Thursday, a judge from the High Court denied the request of Indi Gregory’s parents to transfer her to a hospital in Rome.
According to a written decision by Mr. Justice Peel, transferring eight-month-old Indi to Italy would not be in their best interest.
Previously, he had determined that the medical staff at Queen’s Medical Centre in Nottingham were within their rights to restrict Indi’s treatment.
Indi’s mother and father, Dean Gregory and Claire Staniforth, were unsuccessful in convincing judges at both the Court of Appeal in London and the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg, France, to reverse the ruling.
However, the pair, who are both in their thirties and reside in Ilkeston, Derbyshire, have received an offer from an Italian hospital to treat Indi.
Indi’s parents’ lawyers requested Mr. Justice Peel earlier this week to approve her relocation to Italy. However, on Thursday, the judge denied their request.
I am content with the idea of not transferring to Rome as it would not benefit Indi.
The case concerning the rights of EU citizens residing in the UK has been moved up by High Court judge Mr Justice Peel.
In his decision, he stated that he is content with the suggestion of relocating to Rome not being in (Indi’s) best interest.
In my opinion, there has been no significant change in the situation or any other convincing motive to warrant a review of my previous decision. Therefore, the request is denied.
The administrators at Queen’s Medical Centre contended that the request from Indi’s parents should be rejected.
The Christian Legal Centre is providing support for Indi’s parents through their campaign efforts.
A representative for the center stated their intention to file an appeal.
Mr. Justice Peel has been reviewing evidence during confidential hearings in the Family Division of the High Court in London.
However, he has granted permission for journalists to be present and has also stated that Indi may be named in any coverage.
The Bambino Gesu Paediatric Hospital in Rome has reportedly agreed to take in the young girl, according to statements made to the judge.
Attorneys representing the parents of Indi have stated that there has been a significant change in circumstances since the judge’s decision to allow doctors to restrict treatment. They also believe that Indi now has a possibility of living a longer life.
The judges were informed that Indi, whose date of birth is February 24, suffers from mitochondrial disease, a hereditary disorder that causes a decrease in energy levels.
Experts confirm that Indi’s health is rapidly deteriorating and administrators at the hospital where she is receiving care have requested permission for physicians to legally restrict her treatment options.
Doctors report that the therapy given to Indi results in discomfort and is ineffective.
The girl’s parents have conflicting opinions and wish for the treatment to proceed.
A spokesperson from the Christian Legal Centre stated that Indi’s father promptly hired lawyers to file an appeal.
The medical professionals provided a treatment plan for Indi that they believe will save her life and improve her condition. However, the trust has vehemently rejected this plan. Mr Justice Peel has merely approved the trust’s stance.
In a statement released by the Christian Legal Centre, Mr. Gregory expressed shock and dismay over the ruling.
He stated that Indi’s family is considering accepting the Italian hospital’s proposal as it is the only option being presented by the Queen’s Medical Centre’s governing trust, with the other being Indi’s passing.
According to him, the medical experts proposed a treatment for Indi that they believe could save her life and improve her condition. However, the trust has adamantly rejected the idea.
The trust’s position has been approved without question by Mr Justice Peel.
“Both Claire and I are determined to provide our daughter with every opportunity for survival and growth. It is concerning that Indi’s current doctors are not willing to work together with the air ambulance experts.”
The Bambino Gesu Paediatric Hospital has offered us a valuable opportunity that we are eager to accept on behalf of our daughter.
Although there may be some risk involved in transferring to Italy, the only option presented to us in the UK is to accept Indi’s death.
Dean Gregory, the father of Indi Gregory, was a prosperous businessman who achieved great success in the field of finance.
“While there may be some risk involved in transferring to Italy, the only option presented to us in the UK is to accept Indi’s death.”
We have nothing to lose, neither does Indi.
As Indi’s parents, we are willing to take a chance on the treatment offer from Italy, as it is currently our only option.
“Based on the medical evidence indicating a favorable chance of survival and improvement, we believe it is in her best interest to be afforded that opportunity.”
We are still shocked by the lack of trust and refusal of the UK courts to provide her with that opportunity.
Source: independent.co.uk