In the 2024 presidential election, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. receives 20% of the votes in a three-way race against Joe Biden and Donald Trump.

In the 2024 presidential election, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. receives 20% of the votes in a three-way race against Joe Biden and Donald Trump.

Biden expressed no concern over the possibility of new House Speaker Mike Johnson overturning the 2024 elections.

In a recent poll conducted by Reuters and Ipsos, Robert F Kennedy Jr, an independent candidate and known anti-vaccine conspiracy theorist, received 20% of the vote in a three-way race against President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump.

30% of respondents supported Mr. Biden in the survey, while 32% expressed their support for Mr. Trump.

A survey conducted online gathered opinions from 1,006 American adults throughout the United States.

The poll, which lasted two days and ended on Tuesday, revealed that in a hypothetical race between Mr Biden and Mr Trump, 51% of participants favored Mr Biden while 49% supported Mr Trump.

New research has revealed that in a hypothetical election held today, Mr. Biden would secure the popular vote but narrowly lose to Mr. Trump in the Electoral College.

According to Stack Data Strategy’s research, Mr. Trump would secure 292 Electoral College votes while Mr. Biden would win the popular vote by a margin of 49 to 48 percent, indicating a potential victory for Mr. Trump.

On November 7th, a CNN survey indicated that the former president’s approval rating had increased by two points compared to the current president.

In the survey, a potential competition between Mr. Trump and Mr. Biden revealed that 49% of potential voters would vote for the former president.


In a direct comparison poll, Biden is currently ahead of Trump by a margin of two points.

A recent survey conducted by Reuters and Ipsos, lasting two days and ending on Tuesday, revealed that 51% of 1,006 adults surveyed nationwide support President Joe Biden, while 49% back his predecessor, Donald Trump.

Approximately 50% of Biden supporters stated that they were casting their vote for the president in order to prevent Mr. Trump from staying in the White House, rather than to give Mr. Biden a second term.

In contrast, just 38% indicated that they would choose to vote in favor of Joe Biden and his proposed policies.

Of those who supported the former president, 42% were voting to support Mr. Trump while 40% were voting to oppose Mr. Biden.

Gustaf Kilander15 November 2023 18:28


In the 2024 election, RFK Jr receives 20% of the votes in a three-way race between Biden, Trump, and himself.

According to a survey by Reuters and Ipsos, Robert F Kennedy Jr, a presidential candidate and believer in anti-vaccine conspiracy theories, received 20% of the vote in a three-way competition against current President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump.

Thirty percent of the participants in the survey expressed their support for Mr. Biden, while 32 percent showed their support for Mr. Trump.

1,006 adults in the United States were surveyed in an online poll to gather their opinions.

Gustaf Kilander15 November 2023 18:20


Biden wins the majority of the popular vote, while Trump secures the majority of the Electoral College votes.

If a presidential election were to take place today, Joe Biden would receive more votes from the general public than Donald Trump. However, he would still fall short of winning the Electoral College compared to his predecessor.

According to a recent study by Stack Data Strategy, Mr. Trump would secure 292 Electoral College votes while Mr. Biden would win the popular vote by a margin of 49 to 48 percent, respectively.

According to Politico, Stack conducted a survey of 15,000 individuals from the United States and utilized the data to create predictions at the state level.

The success of Mr. Trump’s victory is attributed to his winning of four states: Arizona, Georgia, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin. These states had the narrowest margins in the 2020 election. They all shifted from supporting Mr. Trump in 2016 to Mr. Biden in 2020, but recent polls show Mr. Trump regaining them by slim margins of 1.4% in Arizona, 3.3% in Georgia, 2.3% in Pennsylvania, and 0.9% in Wisconsin.

If additional contenders, such as independent candidates Robert F Kennedy Jr and Cornel West, as well as those from the Green and Libertarian parties, are included in the election, Mr Trump is able to secure a victory in Nevada and its six electoral votes. The combined support for these candidates amounted to 10 percent in the state.

The survey revealed that Mr. Trump would win against Vice President Kamala Harris and California Governor Gavin Newsom.

However, Mr Biden surpassed Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, achieving a 359 to 179 victory in the Electoral College.

In the four states that are expected to be won by Mr. Trump, when asked about candidates other than the main two, respondents choose a smaller portion of the votes – 4 percent in Arizona, 2.6 in Georgia, 3.1 in Pennsylvania, and 3.2 in Wisconsin.

However, when participants were specifically questioned about Mr. Kennedy and Mr. West, as well as the availability of third parties, the level of support increased to between eight and 11 percent.

Gustaf Kilander13 November 2023 19:44


What is the current ranking of Republican candidates in the polls?

Following the third Republican debate held last week, voters are reconsidering their opinions of the remaining GOP candidates.

Ron DeSantis has a polling rate of around 14%.

Nikki Haley’s current poll numbers show her at around 8.8 percent.

According to recent polls, Chris Christie’s approval rating is around 2.8%.

Vivek Ramaswamy’s current polling numbers are around 5%.

Asa Hutchinson, Doug Burgum, and Ryan Binkely each have a polling percentage of less than 1.

As of now, ex-president Donald Trump maintains a significant lead over all other political contenders in national surveys, with an average of +44 points, as reported by RealClearPolitics and FiveThirtyEight.

Donald Trump did not take part in the third debate and instead held a rally close to the location where Republican candidates debated.

Although the former president has refused to participate in debates with other candidates, he currently holds a significant advantage in swing states compared to all other campaigns, including those of the Democrats.

Ariana Baio13 November 2023 17:00


According to Tim Scott’s aides, he did not inform them about his decision to withdraw from the 2024 race.

Senator Tim Scott of South Carolina, a Republican, revealed on Fox News Sunday night that he will be halting his bid for the presidency due to his lack of success in the Republican primary.

Mr. Scott announced on the same program as former congressman Trey Gowdy, who entered Congress in 2011, the same year as Mr. Scott.

Eric Garcia reports:

Ariana Baio13 November 2023 16:00


Tim Scott drops out of 2024 race as polling numbers declined

On Sunday, Senator Tim Scott of South Carolina declared that he will be halting his bid for the 2024 presidency, citing unsuitable timing.

Mr. Scott stated to Fox News that the voters, who are incredibly exceptional individuals, have made it abundantly clear that they do not want him to take action at this time.

In the months prior to Mr. Scott’s suspension, his national poll results had failed to translate into significant outcomes.

The senator consistently maintained a number below 4% throughout his entire campaign.

However, their numbers gradually decreased after that.

During the month of September, Mr. Scott’s percentage was consistently decreasing, reaching a low of 3%.

Ariana Baio13 November 2023 15:11


OPINIONS: The reasons for concern (and lack thereof) among Democrats regarding Biden’s low approval ratings.

On Sunday, a new instance occurred in which The New York Times and Siena College published their study indicating that former president Donald Trump is ahead of current President Joe Biden in Arizona, Georgia, Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Nevada – the five key states that could potentially determine the outcome of the election.

This caused concern because Mr. Biden is essentially the only candidate running, except for Representative Dean Phillips (D-MN) and author Marianne Williamson who have little chance of winning. Running against a sitting president would most likely harm the political future of any promising Democrat. Therefore, it seems that Democrats are currently limited to the current president.

Eric Garcia writes:

Ariana Baio8 November 2023 23:00


Biden’s popularity rating drops to its lowest point of the year.

The current approval rating for President Joe Biden has reached its lowest point of the year. According to a poll by Reuters/Ipsos, the president’s approval rating stands at only 39 percent.

Around two months before the initial primary election, a majority of voters have lost confidence in Mr Biden’s stance on important topics such as the economy, crime, and immigration. These are the top concerns for most voters.

Ariana Baio reports:

Ariana Baio8 November 2023 20:00


Economy, immigration, and gun policy rank as the most important concerns among voters.

According to a recent CNN survey, the economy, immigration, gun control, and voting rights are the most important concerns for potential voters in the upcoming 2024 election.

Across age groups and races, the economy remains the number one concern for people. Nearly four years after the pandemic first occurred, the economy is still recovering from the devastating blow it took. Though Mr Biden has tried to reaffirm confidence in the economy with his “Bidenomics” package, voters are seemingly unconvinced it’s working.

Following the economy, a significant majority of individuals from various age groups and races consider voting rights and election integrity to be crucial factors when selecting a presidential candidate. Currently, Mr. Trump is facing four criminal charges, two of which are directly related to the January 6th Capitol attack and his alleged attempts to overturn the results of the 2020 election.

Immigration is a pressing concern for all voters, particularly white non-college graduates who rank it as a top issue.

For individuals aged 18 to 24 who are eligible to vote, the second most significant concern is gun policy. The United States has witnessed a significant increase in mass shootings this year. Gun-related violence ranks among the top causes of mortality among children in the US.

Young voters consider climate change to be a significant issue.

Ariana Baio8 November 2023 16:30


In a hypothetical matchup, Trump is ahead of Biden by a margin of two points.

In a hypothetical scenario where former President Donald Trump and current President Joe Biden were to face off, Mr. Trump currently holds a two-point advantage.

According to a recent CNN poll, roughly 49% of those surveyed expressed their preference to vote for Mr. Trump as opposed to Mr. Biden, who only received a 45% favorability rating.

The latest poll also revealed a decrease in support for Mr. Biden among voters, with his approval rating dropping to 39% – the lowest it has been this year. Many potential voters expressed worries about the state of the economy and feel that Mr. Biden is not adequately addressing the issue.

Mr. Biden’s credibility is being questioned due to concerns about the state of the economy and the United States.

Despite competing against other potential Republican candidates, such as Ron DeSantis or Nikki Haley, Mr. Biden is not able to outperform them.

Ariana Baio8 November 2023 15:31
