Haley calls the Nevada primary a fraudulent event as Trump is expected to secure all delegates in the state.

Haley calls the Nevada primary a fraudulent event as Trump is expected to secure all delegates in the state.

In the New Hampshire election, Donald Trump emerges as the victor over Nikki Haley.

Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump is expected to cruise to victory in Nevada’s GOP-organised caucus today, where his only challenger is Texas pastor Ryan Binkley, picking up a further 26 delegates and further cementing his dominance in the race to secure the party’s presidential nomination.

Nikki Haley, who has branded the caucus “a scam”, only managed a second place finish in the Silver State’s primary on Tuesday, suffering the humiliation of scoring fewer votes than the “none of these candidates” box on ballot papers.

Although Ms Haley did not lose any delegates, her defeat greatly undermined her ability to pose a strong challenge against Mr Trump.

This also adds extra stress for her performance in South Carolina, as the primary there is scheduled for February 24th.

Ms Haley is a native of the Palmetto State and served as its governor before joining Mr Trump’s administration as ambassador to the United Nations but is nevertheless trailing her old boss in the polls by a wide margin.

Self-help writer Marianne Williamson has declared that she will halt her campaign against Joe Biden for the Democratic nomination following underwhelming results in the primary elections.


Meanwhile, in Russia…

As the Nevada caucus begins, there is widespread anticipation that Donald Trump will easily win over his competitors.

On Thursday, over 4,000 miles away in Moscow, former Fox News commentator Tucker Carlson sat down with Russian president Vladimir Putin, a one-time ally and even friend of Mr Trump.

Take a look at the coverage provided by The Independent here.

Mike Bedigan9 February 2024 03:40


Haley is mocked by Trump for her defeat in the Nevada primary.

The ex-UN ambassador and governor of South Carolina, who served two terms, did not actively campaign in the state. Instead, she directed her attention towards her home state, which will hold its own election next.

She competed against “none of these candidates” and a few well-known individuals who had already withdrawn from the competition.

This is the statement made by the previous president:

Mike Bedigan9 February 2024 03:15


The US Supreme Court is expected to deny any efforts to remove Trump from the 2024 election ballot.

It is expected that the Supreme Court will deny efforts to exclude former President Donald Trump from the 2024 election. The Associated Press reports that both conservative and liberal justices seem to share a similar view on the matter.

If the judges decide to decline the attempts, it will halt the implementation of actions in Colorado and Maine. In these states, judges have determined that Trump cannot be included on the ballot due to his violation of the insurrection clause in the US Constitution.

Mike Bedigan9 February 2024 02:51


Haley’s campaign claims that losing Nevada to “no one” is insignificant.

While the statement didn’t affect her delegate count, it was not a favorable image. Comedian Seth Meyers poked fun at it during his Wednesday night show, implying that it showed the candidate lacking momentum.

John Bowden shares how the Haley team has reacted.

Mike Bedigan9 February 2024 02:05


What about the state of South Carolina?

Since Nikki Haley is not participating in the Nevada caucus on Thursday, it is highly likely that Donald Trump will win.

As we turn our attention to the upcoming major battle in South Carolina, which was previously led by Ms. Haley, what is the current situation?

A recent survey conducted by FiveThirtyEight for the GOP primary reveals that the previous president is currently leading with a strong majority of 65.3% of the votes, as of Thursday.

Ms. Haley currently holds 31.8% of the vote, indicating that she has a significant amount of work to do before the primary on February 24th.

Mike Bedigan9 February 2024 01:45


2024 Republican delegate tracker

In the future, make sure to save this valuable resource: our map for tracking delegates in the Republican primaries.

We will continuously update our map as the outcomes of primaries or caucuses are announced. By hovering over the red states, you can view the current distribution of delegates for each candidate.

Mike Bedigan9 February 2024 01:20


There is a common belief that the primary in Nevada is insignificant – here’s the explanation.

Nikki Haley and Donald Trump, the last two main competitors in the race for their party’s nomination, are officially listed as candidates on the Nevada ballot.

However, they are participating in separate events – Ms Haley has already taken part in the primary election in her state, where she experienced a humiliating defeat on Tuesday by receiving fewer votes than the option “none of these candidates”. Meanwhile, Mr Trump is currently competing in a caucus on Thursday, with his only opponent being the unknown pastor from Texas, Ryan Binkley.

This means that the top two candidates will not directly compete in the Silver State, as Republican voters can vote in both the primary and the caucus, but the candidates cannot do so.

The system is complex and has greatly diminished the state’s political importance for the 2024 primary season.

John Bowden explains:

Mike Bedigan9 February 2024 01:00


Biden speaks at the House Democratic Caucus Issues Conference.

Mike Bedigan9 February 2024 00:35


Viewing: Justice Kagan of the Supreme Court raises doubts about the Colorado decision to bar Trump from participating.

Justice Kagan from the Supreme Court challenges the decision made by Colorado to disqualify Trump.

Mike Bedigan9 February 2024 00:15


What is the current polling for Nikki Haley in her state of residence?

As the South Carolina Republican primary approaches, observers are anticipating Haley’s potential victory in her home state, where she previously held the position of governor.

As per a survey conducted by Monmouth University in New Jersey, it seems that 58% of individuals are in favor of Mr. Trump, while only 32% support Haley.

Michelle Del Rey8 February 2024 23:32

Source: independent.co.uk