What does a UK passport cost after second price rise in 14 months?

What does a UK passport cost after second price rise in 14 months?

The price of passports in the UK has gone up from today (11 April), the second jump in cost in 14 months – leaving many questioning the steep increase in fees.

A new or renewed adult passport when applied for online has risen 7 per cent, from £82.50 to £88.50. This follows a 9 per cent prise rise in February 2023.

The cost of applying online for a child’s passport online has also gone up, from £53.50 to £57.50.

A postal application for an adult passport is now £100 (up from £93), with an increase to £69 from £64 for a child.

Costs are even higher if you apply from overseas or require a passport urgently. However, the travel documents are free for people born on or before 2 September 1929.

The UK passport is among the most expensive in Europe, with only Italy, Denmark and Switzerland charging more.

In comparison, a Spanish passport application costs £25, while in Germany it’s £60.

Prior to last year’s rise, the cost to apply for a passport had remained the same for five years, with a standard adult online application costing £75.50.

Martyn James, a consumer rights campaigner, told BBC News that “just because a business or organisation can raise prices doesn’t mean they should”, adding that “many users will question what they are getting for their money”.

The government says that it does not make a profit from passport applications, insisting that “the new fees will help ensure that income from these applications better meets the cost of delivering passport and associated operations, reducing reliance on funding from general taxation”.

“The fees contribute to the cost of processing passport applications, consular support overseas, including for lost or stolen passports, and the cost of processing British citizens at UK borders. The increase will also help enable the government to continue improving its services.”

According to the private website PassportWaitingTime.co.uk, standard online renewals are currently taking nine days from application.

HM Passport Office says: “You’ll usually get your passport within three weeks. It may take longer than three weeks if we need more information, or we need to interview you. We’ll tell you this within three weeks. There are different turnaround times if you’re applying from another country.”

When the world’s most expensive passports were revealed last year, the UK in 12th place.

Australia topped the list of countries charging the most, with an adult passport costing citizens £192.

On a separate issue, travellers heading to EU countries (and the wider Schengen area) are being warned to be aware of the post-Brexit rules that require British passports to have been issued with the previous 10 years – even if they are still valid.

Source: independent.co.uk