updates Live updates: Trump opts out of fraud court appearance as trial for Rudy Giuliani commences.


Live updates: Trump opts out of fraud court appearance as trial for Rudy Giuliani commences.

Donald Trump asserts that there was no fraudulent activity at the New York trial.

On Monday, Donald Trump decided not to testify in his New York civil fraud trial, despite being scheduled to do so. His legal team is currently finishing presenting their defense in the case, which could potentially have serious consequences for the Trump Organization.

However, in a passionate outburst on Truth Social in all capital letters on Sunday, the ex-president declared that he would not be attending any further, stating that he had already testified “VERY SUCCESSFULLY & CONCLUSIVELY”.

At this time, in the case of federal election interference against Mr. Trump filed by the special counsel, Jack Smith has requested the Supreme Court to promptly consider the former president’s argument that he is shielded from criminal charges.

The court has granted Mr. Trump a deadline of December 20th to reply to the special counsel’s request. They have also approved the possibility of expediting the consideration of the matter.

The defamation case against Rudy Giuliani, former mayor of New York and lawyer for Trump, began in Washington, DC with the selection of an eight-person jury.

A judge has determined that Mr. Giuliani is responsible for defaming Ruby Freeman and Shaye Moss, both election workers in Georgia, by making false accusations of election fraud against them.


The complete report is about Jack Smith’s request for quick action from US Supreme Court judges regarding Trump’s immunity.

This would be the first instance in which the highest court in the country has considered the criminal charges against the former president, who was indicted by a grand jury for allegedly attempting to overturn the outcome of the 2020 presidential election.

President Trump has claimed that he cannot be prosecuted for any crimes he may have committed while holding office, citing “presidential immunity”. However, the federal judge in charge of the case has rejected this argument.

On Monday, Mr. Smith’s legal team from the US Department of Justice submitted a document to the Supreme Court, requesting that the justices decide whether a former president has complete immunity from federal prosecution for any crimes committed during their time in office, or if they are protected by the Constitution from such prosecution if they have been impeached but not convicted prior to the start of criminal proceedings.

According to the filing, the United States acknowledges that this is an exceptional appeal. This situation is highly unusual.

Alex Woodward reports.

Oliver O’Connell12 December 2023 06:00

Can the youth vote be the deciding factor in Biden’s campaign?

Andrew Feinberg writes:

Regrettably for Mr. Biden, his 2024 presidential campaign is facing major challenges, as shown by a poll from Emerson College that was published on Friday.

According to the survey, a large majority (76%) of voters under the age of 30 are no longer supporting the 81-year-old president. Many of these younger voters are citing the fact that their parents had more or better economic opportunities compared to their own generation.

Based on the poll, Mr. Trump is currently ahead by four points compared to the person who beat him in 2020. He has 47% of the support while Mr. Biden has 43%. The remaining nine percent of voters are still unsure at this time.

Including independent candidate Robert F Kennedy Jr, along with third-party candidates Cornel West and Jill Stein, in the survey leads to even poorer results for the 46th president, who is favored by the GOP.

Read on…

Oliver O’Connell12 December 2023 04:00

Megyn Kelly stated that any gaffes made by Trump were not deliberate and there is no doubt that he is not as sharp as he used to be.

After resuming her role as a moderator on December 6th, Megyn Kelly phoned into Glenn Beck’s program to discuss the fourth Republican debate and the current status of the GOP candidates.

Kelly was commended for her positive assessment of Florida Governor Ron DeSantis’ debate performance, while she also stated that Nikki Haley did not fare as well and seemed to avoid the spotlight. She also shared her thoughts on polarizing figures Vivek Ramaswamy and Chris Christie. When asked about Donald Trump, Kelly gave her response.

Beck inquired about the current frontrunner for the Republican Party’s nomination in 2024, who was also the former president, and whether they have lost momentum since the 2020 election.

Oliver O’Connell12 December 2023 03:00

Previously: Court of appeals affirms Trump’s restraining order in case involving election conspiracy.

The restraining order issued by US District Judge Tanya Chutkan barred the ex-president from engaging in a “pretrial smear campaign” as he pursues the 2024 Republican presidential nomination, as stated by the judge in October.

On Friday, judges from the federal appeals court in Washington DC acknowledged that certain statements made by President Trump could potentially disrupt the ongoing criminal case and should be restricted, but they also noted that the initial order was too broad and included protected speech that was not necessary to restrict.

The lawyers for Mr. Trump claimed that the order violates his right to free speech as he campaigns for president and deals with multiple legal cases, including two related to his alleged efforts to illegally overturn the outcome of the 2020 election.

Oliver O’Connell12 December 2023 02:00

Report alleges that Trump reached out to a former employee of Mar-a-Lago who has now become a witness.

It is alleged that Donald Trump and his associates made multiple attempts to communicate with a former employee of Mar-a-Lago who was aware of crucial discussions and events related to the federal case involving classified documents against the ex-president.

Based on information from various individuals and documentation obtained by CNN, President Trump made an unusual move by contacting a former employee a few days after they left their job at his Florida property to inquire about their departure.

According to reports, associates of Trump supposedly extended an offer for the ex-staff member to attend a golf tournament at no cost.

The employee, who later discussed their interactions with the federal special counsel’s office regarding the investigation of the documents, was reportedly offered help finding legal representation by Mr. Trump’s lawyer. The lawyer mentioned in a voicemail that he was aware the former employee had been subpoenaed to provide information to a grand jury.

Additional information can be found in our complete narrative.

Josh Marcus12 December 2023 01:53

A witness for the fraud trial was compensated nearly $900,000 by Trump.

The last expert witness for the defense team of Donald Trump and his co-defendants in a trial related to a high-profile fraud case received compensation of almost $900,000 for his statement.

On Thursday, he informed the court that he carefully examined the complaint made by New York Attorney General Letitia James, going through each allegation in an attempt to find any evidence that could support them.

“I found that the majority of their assertions lacked evidence,” he stated. “My primary discovery is that there is absolutely no proof of any fraudulent accounting.”

Oliver O’Connell12 December 2023 01:00

In case you missed it: Trump remarks after viewing courtroom drawing that he needs to lose weight.

Donald Trump’s fraud trial only has two remaining defense witnesses, and he is one of them.

On Thursday, he appeared in the New York County Supreme Court for the first time in over a month. However, he was not there as a witness. Instead, he sat with his lawyers in Judge Arthur Engoron’s courtroom in lower Manhattan to observe testimony that was meant to support his defense. This was his first time back in court since his tumultuous day on the stand on November 6th.

Following a brief morning recess, Mr. Trump took a moment to converse with two artists who were sketching the courtroom. They were situated behind the legal team representing New York Attorney General Letitia James in her fraud case against the former president, his two eldest sons, and their primary business partners. The trial has been ongoing for 10 weeks.

The news organizations employed artists to depict the interior of the courtroom, where photography was prohibited. The artist received approval from the judge, who commented, “Well done.”

According to The Independent, he gestured towards his neck and stated, “It seems like I should shed some pounds.”

Oliver O’Connell12 December 2023 00:00

The trial of Giuliani: Presently in the courtroom.

He accused Ruby Freeman and her daughter Shaye Moss of being criminals and called for their workplaces and homes to be searched for evidence of voter fraud.

Donald Trump’s former attorney, who launched spurious lawsuits to overturn 2020 presidential election results, also appeared on podcasts and television shows to falsely claim those women wheeled a suitcase loaded with fraudulent ballots into a vote-counting centre and used a flash drive to manipulate the results to ensure Joe Biden’s victory.

After three years and one day of presenting false allegations to Georgia legislators, Mr. Giuliani appeared in a federal court in Washington DC with his lawyers for the beginning of a civil trial. The eight-person jury will decide the amount he must pay for slandering them.

Alex Woodward is providing updates on the events of today.

Oliver O’Connell11 December 2023 23:19

The 2024 Trump presidential campaign has issued a response to the Supreme Court’s request for a special counsel.

Oliver O’Connell11 December 2023 23:06

Reworded: The Basic Facts about Donald Trump

Donald Trump is well-known for a lot of things: his divisiveness, his career in real estate, The Apprentice, his lawsuits, for being the only president to be impeached twice. But perhaps nothing has infiltrated society more than Mr Trump’s unique linguistic style.

Mr. Trump always has something to say, whether it’s on Truth Social, at a campaign event, or during a court hearing. He is known for his extensive vocabulary and has been known to invent new words.

From uttering gaffes to tweeting typos (like “covfefe”) to misreading words (like “Nambia”) to dismissing his opponent with a harsh nickname, his terminology quickly turns iconic.

The Independent has compiled a dictionary guide to some of the most memorable phrases used by Mr. Trump.

Kelly Rissman11 December 2023 23:00

Please provide the text that needs to be reworded.