Trump questions ‘benefit’ of aiding Ukraine, challenges Biden to cognitive test- live

Trump questions ‘benefit’ of aiding Ukraine, challenges Biden to cognitive test- live
Lawrence O’Donnell roasts Ted Cruz for supporting Trump in live broadcast

At a rally in Detroit on Saturday, Donald Trump once again complained about US support for Ukraine in its ongoing war with Russia and described Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky as “the greatest salesman of all time.”

The former president made it clear that he was not happy with the $50bn aid package for Ukraine, recently approved by the Biden administration. “It never ends,” he told supporters in Michigan.

Trump also suggested President Joe Biden “should have to take a cognitive test” – only to immediately confuse who administered the test to him, referring to Texas Republican Representative Ronny Jackson, who was White House physician during his presidency, as “Ronny Johnson.”

“He doesn’t even know what the word ‘inflation’ means. I think he should take a cognitive test like I did,” Trump said as he headlined the conservative Turning Point Action convention in Detroit.

Earlier on Saturday, Trump hosted a roundtable discussion with members of the community at the 180 Church in downtown Detroit, which serves a predominantly Black congregation.


Watch: Trump claims Nancy Pelosi’s daughter said the two would be ‘perfect together’ – an assertion her family denies

Trump claims Nancy Pelosi’s daughter said the two would be ‘perfect together’ – an assertion her family denies
Mike Bedigan16 June 2024 23:10


In pictures: Trump speaks at Turning Point Action convention in Detroit

Mike Bedigan16 June 2024 22:45


Trump calls 6’9 Barron a ‘good looking guy’ and shares details on his athletic career

While Trump can be equally vicious to rivals and Republicans who cross him, he is frequently complimentary of his children — sometimes too complimentary — and lauded Barron’s athleticism in the interview.

Graig Graziosi has the story:

Mike Bedigan16 June 2024 22:20


‘Meandering’ Trump ‘doesn’t know what he’s talking about’ say CEOs at DC meeting

Donald Trump spoke at a meeting of major CEOs as part of his return to Washington, DC on Thursday as the assumed Republican candidate for president.

Several CEOs “said that [Trump] was remarkably meandering, could not keep a straight thought [and] was all over the map,” Sorkin said on Friday morning edition of Squawk Box.

He added that the same CEOs struck by Trump’s lack of focus “walked into the meeting being Trump supporter-ish or thinking that they might be leaning that direction”.

“These were people who I think might have been actually predisposed to [Trump, but] actually walked out of the room less predisposed” to him, Sorkin said.

One CEO who spoke to CNBC said “Trump doesn’t know what he’s talking about” and that he did not explain any of his policy proposals.

Sorkin told MSNBC’s Morning Joe later on Friday morning that at one point Trump discussed his plan to bring the corporate tax rate down from 21 per cent to 20 per cent … and was asked about why he had chosen that number.

“And he said, ‘Well, it’s a round number,” Sorkin reported. “That unto itself had a number of CEOs shaking their heads.”

Trump was reportedly subdued in the meeting and there was no noticeable applause from attendees according to two people. One speculated that a low-key approach may have been an attempt to make the event feel “more like a business meeting than a speech”.

CNBC reached out to the Trump campaign but did not receive any comment.

Mike Bedigan16 June 2024 21:50


ICYMI: CNN announces final details of Trump/ Biden debate

CNN has released the final details of the upcoming and highly anticipated live debate between Donald Trump and Joe Biden, due to take place in two weeks time.

The debate will be hosted by network anchors Jake Tapper and Dana Bash in Atlanta on June 27.

It will mark the first in-person showdown of the 2024 campaign between the president and his predecessor. Both men have accepted the network’s invitation and agreed to accept the rules and format of the debate, CNN said.

The 90-minute debate will include two commercial breaks and campaign staff may not interact with their candidate during that time.

Both candidates have agreed to appear at a uniform podium, and their podium positions will be determined by a coin flip.

Microphones will be muted throughout the debate except for the candidate whose turn it is to speak. While no props or pre-written notes will be allowed on the stage, candidates will be given a pen, a pad of paper and a bottle of water.

Unlike previous events, there will be no studio audience, something that Trump is known to have played off heavily in the past.

Mike Bedigan16 June 2024 20:15


Watch: Lawrence O’Donnell roasts Ted Cruz for supporting Trump in live broadcast

Lawrence O’Donnell roasts Ted Cruz for supporting Trump in live broadcast

MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell wasted no time poking fun at Ted Cruz and Donald Trump during a live broadcast, just hours after a GOP meeting. Cruz and Trump had previously been rivals, but now the Texas senator is backing the former president to be re-elected. “He kept clapping after Donald Trump left the room after the door was closed,” O’Donnell told viewers. “Did he think Donald Trump could see through the door?” Noting the pair’s previous spats, he added that Cruz was: “endorsing the presidential candidate who attacked and lied about his father and attacked and lied about his wife.”

Mike Bedigan16 June 2024 19:45


George Clooney joins $28m Hollywood fundraiser for Biden following White House spat over Amal’s work

George Clooney appears to have mended fences with President Joe Biden as he and fellow A-lister Julia Roberts joined a star-studded Hollywood fundraising gala on Saturday night which raised $28million.

John Bowden has the story:

Mike Bedigan16 June 2024 19:15


Watch: Trump returns to Capitol Hill, meets with Republican representatives

Trump returns to Capitol Hill, meets with Republican representatives
Mike Bedigan16 June 2024 18:50


Trump’s veepstakes intensify as former rival rises to the top of the pile

Donald Trump may be on the verge of setting aside another grudge within the Republican Party and elevating a former rival to be his running mate in 2024, writes John Bowden.

Read more here:

Mike Bedigan16 June 2024 18:30


Trump suggests Biden should take a ‘cognitive test’, again

Donald Trump suggested that Joe Biden “should have to take a cognitive test,” only to confuse who administered the test to him in the next sentence.

During a rally in Michigan on Saturday, the former president and presumptive Republican nominee referred to Texas Republican Rep. Ronny Jackson, who was the White House physician for part of his presidency, as “Ronny Johnson.”

The moment came as Trump was questioning Biden’s mental acuity, something he has done often on the campaign trail and social media.

“He doesn’t even know what the word ‘inflation’ means. I think he should take a cognitive test like I did,” the former president said of Biden during a speech at a convention of Turning Point Action in Detroit.

Trump took the cognitive test in 2018 at his own request, Jackson told reporters at the time. The exam is designed to detect early signs of memory loss and other mild cognitive impairment.

Mike Bedigan16 June 2024 17:20
