The most recent update is that Trump is hosting a rally in New Hampshire.

The most recent update is that Trump is hosting a rally in New Hampshire.

Rudy Giuliani departs the courthouse after being instructed to provide $148 million in compensation to election staff.

Following multiple defeats in court for both his civil and criminal cases, Donald Trump has returned to the campaign trail, embarking on his first visit to New Hampshire in over a month.

The leading candidate for the Republican Party’s presidential nomination will be hosting a rally this Saturday, several weeks before the state’s primary election, which is traditionally the first in the nation for the GOP.

On Friday, a jury at the federal level determined that Rudy Giuliani, a former attorney, is responsible for paying nearly $150 million in damages for defaming Ruby Freeman and Shaye Moss, former election workers in Georgia. This was due to his unfounded claims that they were involved in election fraud.

Following a four-day defamation trial and one day of deliberation, all eight jurors reached a unanimous decision that the previous mayor of New York should compensate each plaintiff with approximately $16m. They also ruled that an extra $20m should be paid to each plaintiff for intentional infliction of emotional distress, along with an additional $75m in punitive damages.

Mr. Giuliani remained unapologetic as he left the courthouse and stated that he plans to file an appeal.

Recently, there has been increased attention on Mr. Trump due to reports stating that important intelligence materials concerning Russia’s involvement in the 2016 election were lost at the end of his presidency.

The information allegedly consists of intelligence regarding the sources and techniques used to uncover the US plot.


Trump is hosting an event in New Hampshire.

The leading candidate for the Republican nomination is hosting a rally in New Hampshire several weeks prior to the state’s first primary election.

He hasn’t been to the state in over a month.

He is striving to hold onto a significant advantage over his fellow Republican competitors, such as Nikki Haley. She was recently endorsed by Chris Sununu, the well-liked Republican governor of New Hampshire.

During a press conference on Tuesday, Mr. Sununu stated that he viewed the Republican nomination as a competition between Nikki Haley and Donald Trump.

“That is the conclusion…while still acknowledging the other candidates,” he stated.

Alex Woodward16 December 2023 19:26


Review the statements made by Georgia election workers after their trial, in which they were slandered by Giuliani.

On Friday, Shaye Moss and her mother Ruby Freeman gave a statement outside the federal courthouse in Washington DC following a jury’s decision that Rudy Giuliani must pay them nearly $150m for defaming them.

These are the statements provided by them.

Shaye Moss:

I am Shaye Moss, and I worked as an election worker in Fulton County, Georgia for 10 years.

The falsehoods spread by Rudy Giuliani regarding myself and my mother following the 2020 presidential election have had a profound impact on our lives, causing immense damage over the last few years.

Giuliani’s dissemination of falsehoods sparked a fire that was passed on to numerous others, altering every facet of our existence including our households, relationships, jobs, feelings of security, and mental well-being. We are still in the process of recovering from the damage caused.

As we progress and strive for fairness, our ultimate hope is that nobody – whether it be an election official, voter, school board representative, or anyone else – will ever have to endure a similar situation to what we have faced. Each and every one of you is valued and significant. We pray that no one will ever have to struggle as much as we did to reclaim their identity.

We sincerely appreciate the jury for dedicating their time to fulfill their civic responsibility by attentively considering our situation.

I am aware that I cannot retire from my position at the county like my grandmother did. However, I aspire to make her equally proud by taking significant strides towards achieving justice.

Ruby Freeman:

I am called Lady Ruby.

I am grateful that today, a jury witnessed Mr. Giuliani’s actions towards me and my daughter and held him responsible. It has been a positive day.

The journey is not over yet. There is still work to be done. Mr. Giuliani was not the sole spreader of false information about us, and others must also face consequences. However, that is a task for tomorrow.

At this moment, my main point is that money cannot solve all of my issues. Returning to my former home is not an option. I must always be cautious about my whereabouts and who I associate myself with.

I long for my hometown, my neighbors, and my identity.

I have listened to some of you. Please do not feel sorry for me. Do not spend your time feeling angry towards those who caused harm to me and my daughter. We are strong and victorious. Please pray for us as we persevere in our faith.

I frequently remind my lawyers that my friends believe God specifically chose me for this task because we would not be able to handle it otherwise. God selected me to endure this challenge because He knows I will share the message of Jesus with everyone I encounter. I am resilient and my belief in Him will not falter.

If there’s one thing you should remember from what I’ve said today, it’s this: my faith has been my strength during the toughest times of my life, and it will also guide you through adversity.

Understand that belief is the foundation of our hopes and the proof of things that cannot be seen.

Know that the adversary is deceitful, he has been overcome and any attack aimed at you will not succeed.

Have faith that God will safeguard and watch over you.

Have faith in the power of righteousness, for it is true.

Be grateful that in the magnificent kingdom of God, injustice will always be defeated and that He will continuously bless you with peace. This peace is beyond our comprehension.

Alex Woodward16 December 2023 19:00


The price tag for President Trump’s false claims surrounding the election has reached almost $1 billion.

In only two instances, within a span of eight months, the monetary consequences of false information surrounding the 2020 election have exceeded $935 million.

This amount does not factor in possible resolutions and decisions in additional legal cases. It also does not account for the expenses related to the numerous lawsuits regarding the events of January 6 and the assault on the US Capitol. Additionally, it does not include the federal and state criminal cases against Trump and his supporters for their alleged actions to overturn the 2020 election results. This was fueled by the continuing false narrative that the election was stolen and rigged against him.

Alex Woodward16 December 2023 18:00


A viral video of a fake rant by President Trump about Panera’s Charged Lemonade has gained attention online.

Donald Trump has been known to pick rather random targets in his long-winded speeches – but the latest rant to go viral is, indeed, a fake.

Last Friday, screenshots of Mr. Trump’s rant about Panera’s “Charged Lemonade” went viral after comedian Keaton Patti posted about it.

The fast-casual restaurant franchise is currently being sued by two parties for the deaths of two individuals allegedly caused by their caffeinated Charged Lemonade.

Megan Sheets16 December 2023 17:00


After being instructed to pay a sum of $148 million, Rudy Giuliani turns to a conservative news network for financial support.

After appearing in federal court on Friday to address a $148 million defamation ruling, Rudy Giuliani playfully asked Newsmax host Greg Kelly for assistance.

“Could you lend me some money, Greg?” he inquired.

After an attorney representing the two election workers he slandered appeared on MSNBC, he stated that they plan to receive the full amount of money that a jury determined he must pay them.

“We have already initiated the necessary steps for that. Our intention is to retrieve every single penny,” stated attorney Von Dubose on Friday. “We will determine the final amount we are able to uncover and reclaim. Currently, we are assembling all the pieces.”

Alex Woodward16 December 2023 16:00


According to the report, Trump reached out to a former employee of Mar-a-Lago who is now a witness.

Donald Trump and his associates are accused of frequently communicating with a former employee of Mar-a-Lago who had knowledge of important discussions and events related to the federal classified documents case against the former president.

Based on information from various individuals and documentation obtained by CNN, President Trump made an unusual move by contacting the former employee a few days after they left their job at the Florida property to ask about their departure.

According to reports, associates of Mr. Trump supposedly provided the ex-employee with complimentary tickets to a golf tournament.

The previous staff member, who eventually informed the federal special counsel’s office about the communications related to the documents case, reportedly received an offer from Mr. Trump’s lawyer for help in finding a lawyer. In a voicemail, the lawyer acknowledged that the former employee had been subpoenaed to give information to a grand jury.

The Independent has reached out to the Justice Department and a lawyer representing the ex-president regarding the documents case for their response.

Oliver O’Connell16 December 2023 15:40


Four attempts and six legal cases…

Without the benefits and status of being president to shield him, Mr. Trump is currently dealing with significant legal cases and criminal charges in various states such as New York, Florida, Georgia, and Washington.

Government authorities, district attorneys, and citizens are pursuing him for various allegations, including personal behavior and political tactics during the 2020 election.

If any of these attempts are successful, it is possible for a former president of the US to be imprisoned for the first time in history.

Josh Marcus16 December 2023 14:40


No, Donald Trump did not accuse Joe Biden of being responsible for the Panera Lemonade incident.

A post by comedy author Keaton Patti has become popular on various social media sites, showing a humorous portrayal of Donald Trump discussing Panera’s Charged Lemonade during a campaign event. It is clear that these words were not spoken by Trump himself.

Despite this, conservative meme accounts and other easily persuaded readers continued to share the post, thinking it was authentic.

Just to clarify, it’s not serious. It’s meant as a joke.

No, Donald Trump did not accuse Joe Biden of being responsible for Panera’s Lemonade.

It is possible that you have come across images of ex-President Donald Trump claiming that Joe Biden is accountable for Panera’s lemonade, which has been linked to the death of two people. Although it may not be surprising for Trump to make such a strange allegation, he has not actually stated it. A post by writer Keaton Pa…

Alex Woodward16 December 2023 14:15


Analysis: The Giuliani verdict deals a massive blow against conspiracy theory-driven voter suppression

Alex Woodward writes:

Ruby Freeman was compelled to sell her house and reside in her vehicle. The people in her church were hesitant to be in her presence. As a result, her daughter Shaye Moss suffered the loss of friendships and relationships. She is constantly in tears and hardly ever has moments of solitude. When she does find herself alone, she is plagued with nausea due to the constant fear that someone is observing and waiting to harm her. On most days, she pleads with God to not wake her up.

Racist and threatening abuse arrives in a barrage of social media messages and phone calls. People have threatened to hang them and fantasized about snapping their necks. A group of men barged into a family home to try to arrest them.

The aftermath of the 2020 presidential election had a major impact on two Black former election workers from Georgia. False statements made by Rudy Giuliani, which were then repeated by Donald Trump, caused chaos and fueled violent and racist conspiracy theories that continue to fuel his campaign.

These women are not by themselves, and the dangers they faced have not disappeared. Mr Giuliani is simply the most well-known individual to be held responsible for his actions.


Oliver O’Connell16 December 2023 14:10


What information did we discover about Trump’s properties during his trial for civil fraud?

Donald Trump’s civil fraud lawsuit follows a three-year civil investigation into at least 23 of his properties and assets, with Ms James’s office finding at least 11 of Mr Trump’s annual financial statements included more than 200 false and misleading asset valuations.

What additional information was revealed about Mr. Trump’s real estate properties during the trial? The attorney general’s counsel presented numerous figures while making their case, and the Trump family used exaggerated language in their defense, with Donald Trump Jr. highlighting the timeline of their real estate ventures and commending his father for being a boundary-pusher and a visionary in the industry.

Take a look at the main Trump properties that were most discussed during the 11 weeks of court proceedings.

Oliver O’Connell16 December 2023 13:40
