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A man from France achieved a global achievement by building a 23.6-foot replica of the Eiffel Tower using matchsticks, despite being initially rejected by the Guinness Book of World Records.
Richard Plaud expressed that he had experienced a tumultuous range of emotions this week, as he dedicated 4,200 hours over eight years to constructing his model consisting of over 706,000 matches and 23 kilograms of glue.
In a previous announcement, Mr. Plaud stated that his world record was rejected by Guinness due to his use of incorrect matches.
Initially, Guinness World Records informed him that he did not qualify as he had not used commercially available matches. Mr. Plaud began by using commercial matches and removing the head from each one. After becoming tired of this monotonous task, he reached out to the manufacturer to see if he could purchase just the wooden sticks without the head. However, Guinness refused to accept his record.