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Five years ago in northern Norway, officials stated that a cruise ship, involved in a dramatic evacuation, should not have departed from port due to safety deficiencies. They also noted that the situation could have escalated into one of the most catastrophic sea disasters in recent history.
The Norwegian Safety Investigation Authority criticized Viking Sky in their report, stating that the ship was dangerously close to running aground.
On March 23, 2019, a ship departed from the northern city of Tromso with nearly 1,400 individuals on board, despite being warned about an approaching storm. While en route to Stavanger in southern Norway, the ship encountered engine issues during the storm and urgently called for assistance.
The vessel dropped its anchor amidst turbulent waters to prevent being smashed against the rocky shoreline, a location notorious for maritime accidents. Onlookers witnessed a massive wave shattering glass doors and tossing individuals across the designated gathering area.
Around 480 individuals were airlifted from the vessel via helicopter despite adverse weather conditions in a courageous rescue mission. Afterwards, the captain chose to suspend the evacuation, leaving around 900 individuals still aboard as the ship made its way into the Norwegian port of Molde using its own engines.
Numerous individuals were harmed during the ship’s terrifying experience, with 36 being taken to hospitals for treatment.
The Norwegian government promptly began an investigation into the incident, which was finalized on Tuesday and determined that the vessel was not equipped to navigate in rough waters.
According to the investigators, the accident was a result of a lack of enough lubricating oil in all of the diesel generators’ sump tanks, combined with rough sea conditions causing pitching and rolling. The investigation has uncovered various safety concerns related to operations, technology, and organization that played a role in the blackout.
According to the report, Viking Sky was in violation of safety regulations and should not have departed from Tromso given the conditions at the time.
Viking Ocean Cruises did not provide an immediate response.
The Independent website.
The website for The Independent newspaper.