Russian President Vladimir Putin is expected to deliver a surprising speech at the G20 summit as soldiers abandon the city of Donetsk in Ukraine. The live event will broadcast updates on the ongoing war between Russia and Ukraine. The G20 summit will feature an unexpected speech from Russian leader Vladimir Putin, as reports emerge of soldiers leaving the Ukrainian city of Donetsk. Viewers can tune in live to receive updates on the current conflict between Russia and Ukraine.

Russian President Vladimir Putin is expected to deliver a surprising speech at the G20 summit as soldiers abandon the city of Donetsk in Ukraine. The live event will broadcast updates on the ongoing war between Russia and Ukraine.

The G20 summit will feature an unexpected speech from Russian leader Vladimir Putin, as reports emerge of soldiers leaving the Ukrainian city of Donetsk. Viewers can tune in live to receive updates on the current conflict between Russia and Ukraine.

David Cameron, the newly appointed foreign secretary, has met with Zelensky.

Vladimir Putin will set out Russia’s view of the “deeply unstable world situation” in a shock G20 speech this week, the Kremlin has said, as Ukraine claimed growing numbers of Moscow’s troops were deserting the frontline in Donetsk.

The military in Ukraine has been preparing for another round of attacks from Russia in the important city of Avdiivka. However, a representative stated that Moscow is having to depend more on penal recruits and reservists as their soldiers are declining to participate in high-casualty assaults.

Kyiv’s military has reported that they have successfully pushed back Mr. Putin’s forces by three to eight kilometers on the Dnipro River. This marks a notable progress for Kyiv’s forces, which have been engaged in a slow and arduous counteroffensive for several months.

For over a year, Ukrainian and Russian troops have been stationed on opposite sides of the expansive waterway in Kherson. However, Kyiv recently announced that they have successfully established multiple footholds on the eastern bank of the river.


According to Varadkar, the use of “double standards” in the Israel-Hamas conflict has hindered the efforts to fight for Ukraine.

The Irish Prime Minister, Leo Varadkar, has stated that there are “inconsistent expectations” from the European Union and certain Western countries regarding Israel and Palestine.

The Prime Minister stated that the position of certain Western nations towards the Israel-Hamas conflict has weakened efforts to gain support for Ukraine in its struggle against the ongoing Russian invasion.

The complete report is provided below.

Andy Gregory20 November 2023 15:38

Kyiv is seeking negotiations with Poland regarding the ongoing protests by lorry drivers.

Kyiv is looking forward to conducting a fresh set of discussions with Poland and the European Union in the upcoming week in order to find a solution to the problem of Polish truck drivers staging protests to block border crossings, as stated by a Ukrainian trade representative.

Taras Kachka stated that this week, they are aiming to hold negotiations in a trilateral format, as reported by broadcasters.

According to Ukrainian officials, a blockade by Polish hauliers lasting over 10 days has resulted in around 3,000 lorries, mostly from Ukraine, being stuck on the Polish side of the border. This includes trucks carrying fuel and humanitarian aid.

Truck drivers are demonstrating their frustration with the government’s lack of action in response to a decline in their business due to competition from other countries following Russia’s annexation of Ukraine.

<p>Lorries queue on a motorway as Polish hauliers use their vehicles to block access to the Ukrainian border crossing in Dorohusk</p>

A line of trucks waits on a highway as Polish truckers strategically park their trucks to prevent access to the Ukrainian border crossing in Dorohusk.

Andy Gregory20 November 2023 15:09

The United States Secretary of Defense holds a meeting with President Zelensky in Kyiv.

Lloyd Austin, the US defense secretary, expressed his gratitude for the opportunity to meet with Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky during an unexpected trip to Kyiv today. This marks his second visit since April 2022.

The United States will continue to assist with Ukraine’s immediate military needs and future defense requirements, according to Mr. Austin.

Andy Gregory20 November 2023 14:32

The country of Russia has added the winner of Eurovision to their list of wanted individuals.

The country of Russia has added the individual who won the 2016 Eurovision Song Contest to its list of wanted individuals.

Russian state news agencies reported that a criminal law violation has led to the search for Ukrainian singer Susana Jamaladinova on an Interior Ministry database. Jamaladinova, who goes by the stage name Jamala and is of Crimean Tatar heritage, is listed as the subject of the search.

The winner of the Eurovision competition was “1944,” a song named after the year when Crimean Tatars were forcibly deported by the Soviet Union. Russia objected to the song’s inclusion in the contest, citing a rule against political content. However, the song did not directly criticize Russia or the Soviet Union.

According to the online news source Mediazona, Ms Jamaladinova was accused under a recently passed Russian law that criminalizes the dissemination of false information about the conflict in Ukraine.

Andy Gregory20 November 2023 14:03

According to the star of The Lazarus Project, the series foreshadowed the current conflict between Russia and Ukraine.

The star of the Lazarus Project states that the series foretold the war between Russia and Ukraine.

Andy Gregory20 November 2023 13:35

Ukrainian officials in charge of cyber defense have been dismissed due to an ongoing investigation into corruption.

A senior government official stated that Ukraine has dismissed two top cyber defense officials as part of an investigation into suspected theft.

According to cabinet chief Taras Melnychuk, Yurii Shchyhol, the leader of the State Service of Special Communications and Information Protection of Ukraine (SSSCIP), and his second-in-command, Viktor Zhora, were removed from their positions by the government on Monday.

The terminations occurred at the same time as a declaration from prosecutors focused on rooting out corruption, stating that they were looking into individuals holding cyber defence positions for their suspected involvement in a scheme to steal 62 million Ukrainian hryvnia (£1.38m) in 2021.

Neither official was named by prosecutors, and the SSSCIP did not promptly reply to a written comment request.

Andy Gregory20 November 2023 13:22

Imprisoned Russian nationalist Girkin aims to run against Putin in upcoming presidential race.

Russian nationalist Igor Girkin, who is in favor of war, has declared his intention to run for the presidency. However, he is aware that the March election is predetermined and the winner has already been decided.

Mr Girkin – who is in custody awaiting trial for inciting extremism – has repeatedly said Russia faces revolution and even civil war unless Vladimir Putin’s military top brass fight the war in Ukraine more effectively.

Prior to his arrest, Mr. Girkin, a former FSB officer involved in the annexation of Crimea in 2014 and the formation of pro-Russian militias in eastern Ukraine, stated his intentions to enter the realm of politics with his supporters.

He stated in a letter titled “I am going to run” published on Telegram that he is fully aware that running for the presidential election in Russia is equivalent to playing a game with skilled cheaters at a table.

According to Mr. Girkin, he believes he will not be permitted to participate in the election. However, he remains hopeful that his efforts to unite patriotic groups will impede the Kremlin’s agenda for a predetermined and fraudulent election with a known winner.

<p>Ex-Russian officer Igor Girkin</p>

, known by his nom de guerre “Strelkov”, has said he will not

Retired Russian officer Igor Girkin, also known by his alias “Strelkov”, has stated that he refuses to

Andy Gregory20 November 2023 12:56

Russia’s alternate strategy in Ukraine is proving successful – it is not the appropriate time for the Western countries to disengage.

The author of this Independent Voices article, James Nixey, who is the director of Chatham House’s Russia and Eurasia Programme, discusses…

Giorgia Meloni, the prime minister of Italy, was recently tricked by two well-known Russian “comics” who are likely paid by the Kremlin. They made her say she was exhausted from the war in Ukraine and that others would also want to find a solution. Many of her colleagues in the Western world may have silently concurred (and maybe even felt sympathetic, as she is not the first to fall for their pranks).

However, Ms. Meloni does not warrant any pity. She believed she was conversing with the leader of the African Union Commission, presenting an opportunity to demonstrate diplomacy and persuade the presumed representative from the Global South that Russia’s actions in Ukraine are nothing but a display of colonialism – a desperate effort to preserve its empire.

However, Ms Meloni’s statement was more than just a lack of moral leadership. It also played into Russia’s strategy by repeating its narrative: the desire to withdraw from the war due to exhaustion is exactly what Vladimir Putin desires from the West.

Andy Gregory20 November 2023 12:27

“NATO expresses concern over the use of separatist language and increasing Russian influence in Bosnia.”

Jens Stoltenberg expressed Nato’s apprehension regarding separatist language and Russian involvement in Bosnia. This comes after several months of Serb leaders voicing their desire to secede and unite with Serbia.

After the civil war in 1995, Bosnia adopted a federal structure that brought together a republic dominated by Serbs and a federation of Croats and Bosniak Muslims. However, the current leader of the Serbian entity, Milorad Dodik, has recently expressed his desire to secede and join Serbia as a neighboring country.

The Nato chief expressed worry about separatist and divisive language, as well as foreign involvement, specifically from Russia. He made these remarks to journalists in Sarajevo while visiting the western Balkans.

According to Mr. Stoltenberg, this hinders progress and jeopardizes efforts towards change. He believes that all politicians have a responsibility to maintain solidarity, establish strong domestic systems, and promote reconciliation.

In the aftermath of the conflict, Nato sent 60,000 soldiers to Bosnia. In 2004, they were replaced by an EU peacekeeping mission. Recently, the EU increased its presence to 1,100 troops due to concerns that the ongoing conflict in Ukraine could have repercussions in the western Balkans.

Andy Gregory20 November 2023 11:58

The Kremlin has announced that Putin will speak at the G20 summit taking place this week.

The Kremlin announced that Vladimir Putin will speak about Russia’s perspective on the “highly volatile global situation” at the upcoming virtual G20 summit.

On his Telegram channel, Russian state TV host Pavel Zarubin announced on Sunday that the upcoming event will mark the first time in a while where both the Russian president and Western leaders will be present.

The G20 virtual summit is scheduled for Wednesday, according to the state RIA news agency.

Andy Gregory20 November 2023 11:15
