Nevada primary live election results 2024

Nevada primary live election results 2024

In New Hampshire, Donald Trump emerges victorious over Nikki Haley.

Nikki Haley and Donald Trump, candidates for the Republican presidential nomination, are shifting their focus to Nevada this week. The state is set to hold a primary on Tuesday and a caucus organized by the GOP on Thursday.

This time, the candidates will not be directly competing against each other. Instead, Ms Haley will be participating in one contest with three relatively unknown contenders, while Mr Trump will be in another contest facing off against Texas pastor Ryan Binkey.

Ms. Haley may have the opportunity to gain momentum for her campaign in the crucial South Carolina showdown this month by securing support from the state’s 26 delegates in the caucus.

On Saturday, President Joe Biden unsurprisingly won the first Democratic primary of this election year, also in South Carolina, taking a majority of the votes and delegates as he easily beat Minnesota representative Dean Phillips and self-help author Marianne Williamson.

The other candidates have not received much coverage from the media and do not seem to have a chance of winning against Mr. Biden’s bid for a second term as President. However, they are still running in order to provide voters with an alternative choice.


The current state of the GOP’s primary and caucus process has greatly diminished the significance of Nevada in this year’s election.

Regarding the convoluted events happening at polling locations in Nevada this week, John Bowden of The Independent provides insight.

The Nevada Republican Party is responsible for their current situation. It would not be unexpected if the state is pushed back in the Republican primary schedule for the 2028 election, due to their disorganized combination of a primary and caucus, which rendered them insignificant this year.

This will result in a decrease in funds for consultants, polling companies, and other individuals involved in state operations. State party leaders will likely face criticism and complaints about the handling of this situation in the upcoming months.

Mike Bedigan7 February 2024 03:49


One possibility for Trump to potentially win the Nevada primary over Haley.

Unfortunately, Nevada is organizing two separate Republican events this year, causing Donald Trump and Nikki Haley to be unable to directly compete like they did in Iowa and New Hampshire.

The ex-president will not participate in the required state-sponsored Republican primary scheduled for Tuesday.

Despite this, Joe Sommerlad clarifies that voters may still have a means of expressing their support for Mr Trump.

Mike Bedigan7 February 2024 03:20


The polls for the primary election in Nevada are currently coming to a close.

Voting in Nevada is coming to an end as polls close at 7pm.

Summary: On Tuesday, a state-run primary will take place for the presidential election. This will not affect the number of delegates the state will send to the Republican National Convention.

Delegates will receive recognition according to the outcomes of the party-led caucuses that took place on Thursday, where Donald Trump was the sole prominent contender listed.

Therefore, the ex-president does not encounter any significant competition in securing the twenty-six Nevada delegates up for grabs in the caucuses.

Nikki Haley is the sole significant candidate remaining on the primary ballot for Tuesday’s election.

Mike Bedigan7 February 2024 03:08


The initial voter turnout for the Nevada primary is low.

The Nevada primary began with a lower voter turnout than anticipated.

According to officials cited by the Associated Press, only 183 individuals had cast their ballots in person in Washoe County, the second most populous county in the state, within the first two hours of polls opening.

During a two-hour period, 2,298 individuals cast their votes in person in Clark County, which is home to Las Vegas and is the most populous county in Nevada. Voters in Nevada also have the choice to vote by mail or early before election day.

Mike Bedigan7 February 2024 02:44


The polling for the Nevada primary in the Republican party will be ending soon.

The Republican primary in Nevada will end at 7pm PT on Tuesday, followed by a caucus on Thursday.

Unfortunately, the two main contenders, Nikki Haley and Donald Trump, will not be competing against each other on this occasion.

Ms. Haley will be featured on Tuesday’s ballot, competing against three lesser-known candidates. Mr. Trump will also be featured in the same contest, running against Texas pastor Ryan Binkey.

John Bowden of The Independent discusses why the outcome of the Republican contests in Nevada may not hold much significance.

Mike Bedigan7 February 2024 02:36


Christie cautions that a potential second term for Trump would result in a “vendetta presidency.”

Gustaf Kilander is the author of this story.

Oliver O’Connell6 February 2024 23:45


Haley shows Trump her commitment for the long term.

Her campaign is striving to convey this message as February starts and the competition for her home state of South Carolina intensifies.

Despite consistently trailing behind Donald Trump in national polls and most primary state surveys, the former governor and UN ambassador is facing the challenge of overcoming a perception that has existed since well before the Iowa and New Hampshire votes were cast: the belief that the election is already decided.

Many Republicans in Washington saw the realization of that idea after Mr. Trump’s successful wins in the first two states of the 2024 election. However, Ms. Haley is still holding on, determined to narrow her 11-point loss in New Hampshire, where she served as governor for eight years.

John Bowden reports:

Oliver O’Connell6 February 2024 23:00


A super PAC supporting Biden plans to use $40 million to target Trump for his legal troubles.

The Unite the Country political action committee is allegedly planning to invest a significant amount of money in highlighting Donald Trump’s numerous legal issues as evidence for supporting Joe Biden’s reelection.

According to NBC, the group predicts that Trump’s ability to use challenges to his benefit and portray his four criminal indictments and 91 felony charges as part of a larger conspiracy to rally conservative support (and donations) may not continue at the same rate once the intense general election begins.

The group’s director, Steve Schale, believes that moderate Republicans may start to have concerns about Trump’s legal troubles, especially if they lead to criminal convictions or imprisonment. They could potentially be convinced to vote for Biden.

Schale believes that this portion of the voting population holds significant influence, possibly even being the deciding factor in the election.

We intend to rely on this frequently and from the beginning.

Joe Sommerlad6 February 2024 22:15


Biden admits he must control his Irish rage when discussing Trump.

President Joe Biden expressed to a group of donors for his campaign on Sunday that the very idea of his predecessor’s insensitive treatment of military veterans and fallen soldiers compels him to exert additional effort to control his frustration.

Andrew Feinberg has additional information.

Joe Sommerlad6 February 2024 21:15


Christie cautions that if Trump wins a second term, it will result in a presidency focused on retaliation.

In his first interview since withdrawing from the Republican race a month ago, the ex-governor of New Jersey spoke with ABC News. He stated that a potential second term for Trump would result in a “vendetta presidency” and create significant challenges with staffing.

Gustaf Kilander possesses a greater amount.

Joe Sommerlad6 February 2024 20:15
