NATO confirms no intention of deploying troops in Ukraine as Kyiv removes troops from villages.

NATO confirms no intention of deploying troops in Ukraine as Kyiv removes troops from villages.

The Russian army removes deserted military machinery following the Ukrainian soldiers’ withdrawal from Avdiivka.

The forces of Volodymyr Zelensky have pulled back from two significant villages in eastern Ukraine while Nato has stated that it does not intend to deploy troops to Ukraine.

The military forces of Kyiv have retreated from Severne and Stepove, both situated near Avdiivka. These regions had been taken over by Russian forces earlier this month.

The Ukrainian military reported that they have pulled out of the small towns of Sievierne and Stepove. Fierce fighting in Sievierne took place throughout the evening and into the night yesterday.

NATO stated that they have no intention of deploying troops to Ukraine, as French President Emmanuel Macron has mentioned that he cannot completely rule out the possibility of sending Western forces to the country.

The statements, echoed by the British government, mirrored previous comments made by Germany, Poland, and the Czech Republic.

During a meeting of 25 European leaders in Paris on Monday evening, Emmanual Macron stated that he could not exclude the possibility of deploying Western forces to Ukraine. Despite claiming consensus among those present, the reaction indicates the opposite.

In response to Mr Macron’s statements, the Kremlin cautioned that the participation of Western personnel in Ukraine could lead to an inevitable conflict with NATO.


Zelensky pays a visit to Albania in his most recent trip, with the aim of strengthening solidarity.

On Wednesday, Igli Hasani, the Foreign Minister of Albania, announced that President Volodymyr Zelensky of Ukraine has arrived in the city of Tirana.

Hasani expressed on X social network that this is a critical time for supporting strong relationships and standing by Ukraine in their courageous battle against the aggression of Russia.

Holly Evans28 February 2024 07:44


South Korea reveals that North Korea has already dispatched millions of artillery shells to Russia.

According to Seoul, North Korea has sent approximately 6,700 containers to Russia since the September meeting between Vladimir Putin and Kim Jong-un. These containers may contain millions of rounds of artillery shells.

The defense minister of South Korea stated that the specific items inside the containers could not be determined, but it is likely that they contained either three million 152mm shells for artillery use or 500,000 rounds measuring 122mm.

Shin Won-sik stated that it could potentially be a combination of both options, and estimated that at least several million shells have been dispatched.

Read the full article here

Holly Evans28 February 2024 07:20


An MP from the UK claims that Putin is stronger than Stalin and that Europe is currently engaged in a war.

According to a British lawmaker, Vladimir Putin has surpassed Stalin in terms of power and Europe is currently engaged in a war.

During a House of Commons discussion of the UK’s aid to Ukraine, Tobias Ellwood stated that it was evident that the conflict in Ukraine would escalate even more.

“Putin has amassed greater power than Stalin, attempting to mimic his actions in Eastern Europe.”

“Can we come to an understanding that Europe is currently engaged in a state of war? This has implications for us, our economy, and our security.”

Alexander Butler28 February 2024 05:00


According to the Ministry of Defense (MoD), Russia is incapable of safeguarding valuable aircraft and Ukraine is a persistent source of danger.

According to the UK Ministry of Defence, Russia has repeatedly failed to safeguard its valuable aircraft, while the defense capabilities of Ukraine remain a source of concern.

In the past two months, Ukraine has shot down two Russian A-50 planes, which are highly advanced and worth around £300m each, according to experts.

The Ministry of Defense clarified that there was only a slim possibility that the A-50 that was shot down four days ago was accidentally targeted by Russia.

Alexander Butler28 February 2024 04:00


“We are not on the brink of war with Russia.”

The leader of the British military has emphasized that “the country is protected” and “we are not on the verge of conflict with Russia”.

In a recent public address, Admiral Sir Tony Radakin reassured that there are currently no imminent invasion threats and the Ministry of Defence has no plans for conscription.

He stated that Britain is secure due to its membership in NATO and being a responsible country with nuclear power.

Alexander Butler28 February 2024 03:00


Ukraine has issued a warning that Russia’s propaganda war will reach its peak in the near future.

The Ukrainian intelligence agency has issued a warning that Russia’s efforts in an information war will reach its highest point in the upcoming weeks.

In the latter part of last year, Ukraine disclosed that Moscow had initiated the Maidan-3 operation with the intention of disseminating anti-Ukrainian content on the internet.

According to a Telegram announcement made today, the plan incurred a cost of $1.5 billion and is considered to be the most costly operation ever carried out by the Russian special services.

“In the upcoming weeks, the opposing side will exert maximum effort in disseminating harmful narratives that threaten global security and aim to provoke conflicts – both within Ukraine and in other areas of the world with significant backing for Ukraine,” the statement stated.

Alexander Butler28 February 2024 02:00


Ukraine announces appointment of new leader for anti-corruption agency

Officials announced that Ukraine has given the green light for the appointment of the new leader of a regulatory body tasked with developing anti-corruption measures.

Ukraine is focused on combating corruption as it pursues membership in the European Union, and has intensified its efforts to tackle this issue amidst the conflict with Russia.

Viktor Pavluschyk, a previous investigator, was selected for a four-year tenure as the leader of the National Agency on Corruption Prevention (NACP) through a globally monitored recruitment process.

The NACP develops Ukraine’s strategies to combat corruption and keeps a watchful eye on public officials for any illegal profits. They work in close collaboration with law enforcement agencies in Kyiv to fight against graft.

Alexander Butler28 February 2024 01:00


Zelensky of Ukraine states that he is currently in Saudi Arabia for a business trip.

The President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelenskiy, traveled to Saudi Arabia for a work-related trip on Tuesday to hold a meeting with Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman. This was announced in a statement on his Telegram account.

Zelenskiy wrote that the primary topics of discussion would be Kyiv’s Peace Formula framework for ending Russia’s invasion, as well as the return of captives and deported people.

The arrival of Zelenskiy in the kingdom was confirmed by the state news agency in a statement.

Alexander Butler28 February 2024 00:01


The Ukraine government is cautioning that the postponement of aid from Western countries is resulting in loss of life and territory.

Alexander Butler27 February 2024 23:00


View: Zelensky cautions that Ukraine’s existence is at risk if Russia emerges victorious in the war.

Ukrainian President Zelensky issues warning that if Russia is victorious in the ongoing conflict, Ukraine will cease to exist.

On the second anniversary of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky issued a strong warning that his country would cease to exist if it were unable to defeat Russia in the war. He stressed that there was no alternative but to win and that the consequences of defeat would be devastating. Zelensky affirmed that Ukraine would never accept such a fate and would continue to fight for its survival.

Alexander Butler27 February 2024 22:00
