Lucy Letby Inquiry – live: Killer ‘visited Alder Hey’ soon after removal as nurse

Lucy Letby Inquiry - live: Killer ‘visited Alder Hey’ soon after removal as nurse
Cabinet minister David Davis believes convicted baby killer Lucy Letby is innocent

Child serial killer Lucy Letby visited Alder Hey Children’s Hospital just after she was dismissed from her nursing duties over safety concerns at her own hospital, a public inquiry heard.

Letby was switched to clerical work in July 2016 after senior consultant paediatricians raised the alarm about patient safety in her Countess of Chester neonatal unit, where she had worked since 2012.

But only months later in 2017, the 34-year-old was able to make a number of supervised trips to Alder Hey – one of the UK’s most prestigious children’s hospitals – to visit wards and outpatient clinics, the inquiry heard.

This year, she was sentenced to 15 whole-life orders after she was convicted of murdering seven babies and attempting to murder seven others at her Chester ward in 2015 and 2016.

The inquiry also heard how there were records suggesting that Ian Harvey, the medical director at Chester of Countess Hospital, was advised to contact police over concerns on the number of infant deaths and Letby in June 2016.

However, it was not until nearly a year later, in April 2017, when Cheshire Police was contacted, said Rachel Langdale KC, counsel to the inquiry.


Lucy Letby ‘hid in plain sight’ like GP killer Harold Shipman, inquiry hears

Earlier in the inquiry, Rachel Langdale KC, counsel to the inquiry, compared Lucy Letby to Harold Shipman as she appeard to stamp down the validity of the convictions in the wake of speculaton.

Read more here:

Alex Ross10 September 2024 20:30


Letby visited Alder Hey just months after being dismissed from nurse duties

Child serial killer Lucy Letby visited Alder Hey Children’s Hospital just after she was dismissed from her nursing duties over safety concerns at her own hospital, a public inquiry heard.

Letby was switched to clerical work in July 2016 after senior consultant paediatricians raised the alarm about patient safety in her Countess of Chester neonatal unit.

But only months later in 2017, the 34-year-old was able to make a number of supervised trips to Alder Hey – one of the UK’s most prestigious children’s hospitals – to visit wards and outpatient clinics, the inquiry heard.

This year, she was sentenced to 15 whole-life orders after she was convicted of murdering seven babies and attempting to murder seven others at her Chester ward in 2015 and 2016.

Alexander Butler10 September 2024 20:02


Appeal judgement on Letby convictions ‘marked a watershed’

Letby, 34, from Hereford, is serving 15 whole-life orders after she was convicted at Manchester Crown Court of murdering seven infants and attempting to murder seven others, with two attempts on one of her victims.

She protested to the court “I’m innocent” as she was led from the dock when she was sentenced in July to her 15th whole-life order after a jury convicted her at retrial of the attempted murder of a baby girl.

In May, she lost her Court of Appeal bid to challenge her convictions from the first trial which took place between October 2022 and August 2023.

Referring to that judgment, Lady Justice Thirlwall said: “That judgment marked a watershed.”

She went on to say the subsequent speculation had impacted the families

Lady Justice Thirlwall
Lady Justice Thirlwall (PA)
Alex Ross10 September 2024 18:30


Lucy Letby case could be ‘biggest miscarriage of justice in UK history’, lawyer says

Earlier, the inquiry chairwoman Lady Justice Thirlwall said speculaton over Lucy Letby’s convictions were distressing for the families of victims.

Among those putting foward questions is Letby’s own newly-appointed lawyer, Mark McDonald, who is preparing to launch an appeal for his client.

Here is speaks to The Independent on his case

Alex Ross10 September 2024 17:30


Thirlwall Inquiry concludes for the day

The inquiry has concluded for the day and will resume on Wednesday at 10am.

Rebecca Thomas10 September 2024 16:07


‘I will return in the coming weeks’, says chilling email from Letby

Lucy Letby emailed the neonatal unit staff claiming in 2017, following the outcome of a grievance, according to the Thirlwall Inquiry

She said: “I was redeployed to the unit following serious professional allegations by members of the medical team…I have been fully exonerated and I will return in the coming weeks.”

It was only due to the persistence of doctors who were blowing the whistle that she did not return to the unit.

Rebecca Thomas10 September 2024 16:03


Hospital bosses did not believe there was enough evidence to call police

On 3 April 2017, there was a discussion between hospital executives about calling the police, but it didn’t happen for another month.

Stephen Cross, director for corporate and legal services created a document at the time which included the line: “In our view, there is no evidence to justify a criminal investigation.”

KC Langdale said the inquiry will look “at the content of this document in greater detail during the hearing, in terms of what it may reveal about the thinking of the executive directors at this time.”

KC Rachel Langdale is counsel for the inquiry
KC Rachel Langdale is counsel for the inquiry (Getty Images)
Alex Ross10 September 2024 15:57


‘This allegation against Letby is massive’ says senior nurse

The head of nursing at the Countess of Chester, Karen Rees, reportedly made a plea to allow her to begin working in the neonatal unit again.

The inquiry heard the head of nursing, described it as “immoral” that Lucy Letby was not being allowed to work directly with patients during this period.

She reportedly appears to have suggested concerns about Letby were based on “gut feeling” from the senior paediatricians and not evidence.

Rees said, “This allegation against Letby is massive and if anyone is of this belief then why have the police not been called?”

Rebecca Thomas10 September 2024 15:48


Letby would’ve returned to neonatal unit if not for whistleblower doctors

It was not until a year after Letby was removed from the unit that police were contacted by the trust’s chief.

Following a grievance raised by Letby, decisions were made by the executive to allow her to return, however, this was resisted by paediatricians.

KC Langdon told the inquiry: “Without the consultants’ [persistent] approach, it is likely Letby would have been permitted to return to the unit.”

On 2nd May 2017, chief executive Tony Chambers told Cheshire Police there was “no single factor” that had been identified about the babies’ deaths. However, he said in four cases no causal factor had been identified at all which was not usual.

He requested that Cheshire Police undertake a forensic investigation to exclude anything untoward.

Rebecca Thomas10 September 2024 15:37


Hospital executives side stepped repeated advice to call police over Letby

The inquiry is hearing that there are records suggesting that medical director Ian Harvey was advised to contact the police in June 2016.

Rachel Langdale KC said on 29 June that year, Mr Harvey held a meeting with Stephen Cross, the director of corporate and legal services at the Countess of Chester Hospital trust, about the situation on the neonatal ward.

A contemporaneous note of that meeting written by Mr Cross states: “ADVICE ‘Police’ need to be involved now.

“Death of triplets has raised concern. Nurse was on duty at deaths. Sufficient level of concern that illegal activity in neonatal.”

Ms Langdale says Mr Harvey has stated he was “unable to recall the meeting”, and in his statement to the inquiry he added that he “does not remember anyone giving him advice at that point that the police should be contacted”.

At about the same time, Mr Harvey was also copied into an email chain involving the senior consultants in which it was suggested that the police should be called in.

Ms Langdale stated: “The Cheshire Police were not, in fact, contacted by the Trust until nearly one year later in April 2017.”

In a separate meeting, Mr Chambers is reported to have told doctors to call the police themselves. However, one doctor said in response “our career would be on the line if we called the police as it would be whistle-blowing.”

In a further warning, Dr Stephen Brearey said to Mr Chambers “you need to think about the police.”

“You need to leave this with us,” Tony Chambers said in response, according to the inquiry.

Chester Countess Hospital, where Letby carried out the baby murders
Chester Countess Hospital, where Letby carried out the baby murders (WPA Rota)
Alex Ross10 September 2024 15:25
