Live Coverage: Trump Declines to Sign Illinois Agreement Prohibiting Government Overthrow

Live Coverage: Trump Declines to Sign Illinois Agreement Prohibiting Government Overthrow

Donald Trump asserts that the American Civil War could have been settled through negotiation.

According to The Chicago Sun Times, during registration for this year’s election in Illinois, Donald Trump’s campaign declined to sign a loyalty oath which mandated the candidate to promise not to incite the overthrow of the United States government.

Joe Biden and Ron DeSantis have both signed the agreement, which compels candidates to promise they will “not directly or indirectly teach or advocate the overthrow of the government of the United States or of this state or any unlawful change in the form of the governments thereof by force or any unlawful means”.

In 2016 and 2020, Mr. Trump included it in his registration to run, but this time his campaign refused to provide an explanation for its absence.

A representative of the Biden campaign stated that they are aware of his strong determination, as he attempted and was unsuccessful in doing so on this day three years ago.

During the weekend, Mr. Trump made several appearances in Iowa leading up to the state’s caucuses on January 15th. In a bizarre statement, he suggested that the American Civil War could have been settled through negotiation. He also praised China and criticized his previous foe, the deceased John McCain, for his injuries sustained in combat.


Trump demands that Lloyd Austin be terminated for being absent for a week on Truth Social.

On Truth Social, the leader of the MAGA movement has demanded that Lloyd Austin, the US defence secretary, step down from his position. This comes after it was revealed that Austin had been hospitalized last week for complications from a minor elective medical procedure, which he allegedly did not inform the White House about.

Trump also used his platform to reveal he would be attending the Federal Appeals Court Arguments in Washington, DC, tomorrow in order to hear the arguments over his presidential immunity plea in person.

He criticized New York Attorney General Letitia James for her request of $370 million from him, stating that he had obtained a “flawless” loan (similar to his phone conversations with Volodymyr Zelensky and Brad Raffensperger). He also expressed outrage at Judge Arthur Engoron’s assessment of Mar-a-Lago’s value at only $18 million in his civil trial in New York City, claiming that it is actually worth 50 to 100 times that amount. According to Don’s calculation, that would be $900 million or $1.8 billion.

Below, you can find additional information about the enigma surrounding Austin.

Joe Sommerlad8 January 2024 11:45


Over the weekend, Trump spoke out against magnets and expressed admiration for Chinese authoritarianism during his rallies.

Additional notable moments from Trump’s weekend rallies included his strange criticism of… (pauses to review notes)… oh, magnets.

The Republican politician also commended the strict leadership of Xi Jinping, the authoritarian premier of China, referring to him as a “brilliant man” for effectively managing a population of 1.4 billion people through ruthless means. However, he then went on to accuse Joe Biden of accepting money from China, despite recent reports from House Democrats stating that he earned a personal profit of at least $5.5 million from Chinese customs during his time in the White House.

Below is Andrew Feinberg’s article on the scandal.

Joe Sommerlad8 January 2024 11:15


Trump responds to Iowa school shooting: ‘We need to move on’

It is surprising to note that the leading candidate for the Republican party had already advised a crowd in Sioux City to “move on” from the recent shooting at Perry High School.

Kelly Rissman possesses a greater quantity.

Joe Sommerlad8 January 2024 10:45


According to Trump, there was potential for negotiation in the American Civil War.

During a series of rallies in Iowa over the weekend, Trump made several bizarre and unsettling statements. One of these was his assertion that the American Civil War, which was fought over slavery, could have been resolved through negotiation and did not need to occur.

The ex-president delivered a speech at a rally for his campaign in Newton before the state’s caucuses on January 15th.

Discussing the Civil War between the Northern and Southern states from 1861 to 1865, he addressed his followers, saying: “I find it intriguing. Perhaps there was a chance for a peaceful resolution… However, if Abraham Lincoln had chosen to negotiate, he would not have become the iconic figure we know him as today. But that would have been acceptable.”

The remarks sparked immediate anger on the internet, but Molly Jong-Fast promptly recognized it as a calculated diversion from Joe Biden’s scathing criticism of his track record on Friday.

Oliver O’Connell has an increased amount.

Joe Sommerlad8 January 2024 10:15


Trump declines to sign the Illinois commitment to refrain from overthrowing the government.

According to The Chicago Sun Times, Donald Trump’s campaign declined to sign a loyalty pledge while registering for the primary ballot in Illinois for the upcoming election. This pledge would have required the candidate to promise not to incite the overthrow of the US government.

Both Joe Biden and Ron DeSantis have agreed to the terms of the agreement, which requires candidates to pledge that they will not promote or support the overthrow of the government of the United States or their state, or use illegal methods to bring about a change in government.

Trump did sign the same plea when registering to run in 2016 and 2020 and his campaign spokesman Steven Cheung said of the decision to abstain this time around: “President Trump will once again take the oath of office on 20 January, 2025, and will swear ‘to faithfully execute the office of president of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States’.”

Michael Tyler, a representative for the Biden team, stated: “Donald Trump is unable to bring himself to sign a document stating that he will not try to stage a coup to overthrow our government. We can see that he is very serious about this, as three years ago on this day, he attempted and was unsuccessful in doing so.”

In response to the announcement on MSNBC, the analysts Kurt Bardella, Susan Del Percio, and David Jolly concurred that the update was consistent with the candidate’s image.

Joe Sommerlad8 January 2024 09:45


The lawyers representing Trump are not allowed to present arguments regarding E Jean Carroll’s accusation of rape during the upcoming defamation trial.

On Saturday, a judge ruled that former President Donald Trump’s legal team cannot make legal arguments to a jury during a defamation trial. This trial is based on the jury’s decision last year that Trump was not guilty of raping a columnist in the 1990s.

Judge Lewis A. Kaplan of the U.S. District Court issued a ruling before the January 16 trial to assess the amount of damages for defamation against Trump. This came after a jury found that Trump had sexually assaulted columnist E. Jean Carroll, but there was not enough evidence to prove that he had raped her.

During a campaign event in Iowa on Saturday, Trump, who is currently leading as the Republican candidate for president, spoke out against the judge and referred to them as a “radical Democrat.” He also made fun of E. Jean Carroll for not screaming during her alleged attack, stating that her story was fabricated.

In May of last year, Carroll, who is 80 years old, was awarded $5 million by a jury. They found that Trump had sexually assaulted her in a high-end department store dressing room in 1996 and had also slandered her in 2022.

Trump did not attend the Manhattan trial where Carroll testified that a chance encounter at a Bergdorf Goodman store across the street from Trump Tower was flirtatious and fun until he slammed her against a wall in a dressing room and attacked her sexually. Trump has vehemently denied it.

AP8 January 2024 09:15


When informed that Mike Pence was taken to a secure location on January 6, Trump simply replied with two words.

The story is being shared by Kelly Rissman.

Oliver O’Connell8 January 2024 08:15


The undisclosed hospitalization of Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin has raised questions about the secrecy surrounding the situation.

According to U.S. officials, members of Congress and Pentagon leaders were not informed until Saturday that Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin had been hospitalized since Monday. This has raised concerns about his condition and the lack of transparency surrounding it.

It is still unknown when the White House and other prominent U.S. figures were notified about his time spent at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center in Bethesda, Maryland.

The Pentagon’s delay in revealing Austin’s hospitalization for several days demonstrates a significant lack of openness regarding his illness, the severity of it, and his potential release date. This level of secrecy, especially during a time when the country is facing multiple national security challenges, goes against the usual protocol for the president and other high-ranking U.S. officials and members of the Cabinet.

AP8 January 2024 06:15


Harris cautions against Trump’s aggressive push to restrict voting rights.

Kamala Harris, the Vice President, issued a cautionary statement on Saturday regarding the threat posed by Republicans and former president Donald Trump to the freedoms and rights that have been hard-earned and hard-fought. She emphasized the significance of Black voters in the success of her and President Joe Biden’s electoral efforts.

Ms. Harris, who visited Myrtle Beach, South Carolina to speak at the African Methodist Episcopal Church’s Seventh District Women’s Missionary Society, reflected on the fact that Americans had turned out to vote during a worldwide pandemic over three years ago.

Andrew Feinberg reports:

Oliver O’Connell8 January 2024 04:15


Timeline of consequences since Trump supporters stormed the Capitol

Three years after the assault on Congress, approximately 1,230 individuals have faced federal charges related to January 6. Of these, 750 have been sentenced. However, there are still at least 80 unidentified individuals, including the individual wearing a grey hooded sweatshirt who placed pipe bombs outside the offices of the Democratic and Republican National Committees.

This is a chronology of the major events that have taken place in the three years since that notorious day.

Joe Sommerlad8 January 2024 02:15
