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Jon Stewart, the host of The Daily Show, ridiculed Tucker Carlson for his strange journey to Russia, during which the ex-Fox News host expressed admiration for a Russian grocery store.
Mr. Carlson made a trip to Moscow for an extensive and unscripted conversation with Vladimir Putin, during which the Russian leader delivered a lecture on history.
After the interview, the former Fox News anchor went on a journey to visit various grocery stores across the country, documenting the experience and sharing it on the internet.
Mr Carlson was completely besotted with the idea that you use cash on a shopping cart, calling it “an incentive to return it and not just bring it to your homeless encampment. OK!”
On Monday evening, Mr. Stewart discussed Mr. Carlson’s peculiar journey on his show.
“I’ve mentioned this before, but you’re quite a difficult person,” he stated after a moment of confusion.
I was unaware that the issue of homelessness in America is solely attributed to the ease of obtaining grocery carts.
The remarks made by Mr Carlson regarding homelessness were not the only ones that were examined by The Daily Show’s host.
According to Mr. Carlson, he became “radicalized” after realizing the significant cost difference between Russia and the United States.
According to Mr. Carlson’s remarks while inside a Russian supermarket, seeing the prices and living conditions may cause one to become radicalized against their leaders. He personally feels radicalized by this experience.
Tucker Carlson is impressed by the use of currency to access carts in Russia.
“Mr. Stewart replied to this statement, stating that it can lead to radicalization unless one has a grasp of fundamental economics.”
“Initially, $104 may seem like a fantastic deal for groceries, but it’s important to consider that Russians typically make less than $200 per week. This is the type of information that a journalist, as you referred to yourself earlier, would have likely included for context.”
According to Trading Economics, the average salary in Russia as of November of last year was 73,383 rubles per month, which is approximately $793.
In July 2021, Tass, a Russian news agency, reported that over 60% of Russians allocate approximately half of their monthly income towards food expenses.
“However, the truth is that you are well aware of all of this, despite your appearance attempting to convince us otherwise,” Mr. Stewart remarked to Mr. Carlson.
“If your handlers had permitted, you may have noticed the hidden charge for your inexpensive groceries and well-maintained streets,” he stated, playing footage of Russian authorities reportedly detaining supporters of Alexei Navalny for paying tribute to the late opposition leader.
Jon Stewart from The Daily Show delivered a scathing critique of Tucker Carlson’s trip to Russia.
According to Mr. Stewart, Mr. Carlson fails to acknowledge that the true cost of freedom is what distinguishes the disorganized and unsanitary subways in the US from the elegant and ornate subways in Russia, as expressed by the right-wing media figure’s previous admiration for the Russian metro stations in a different video.
The host of The Daily Show elaborated on his belief that Mr. Carlson is encouraging his followers to view Russia in a new perspective.
“Here’s why: It’s because the old civilisational battle was communism versus capitalism, that is what drove the world since World War II. Russia was the enemy then, but now, they think the battle is woke versus unwoke. And in that fight, Putin is an ally to the right. He’s their friend,” Mr Stewart said.
“Regrettably, he is known to be a harsh and merciless leader. As a result, there is a need to find ways to ease American’s uneasiness with this fact. While freedom is desirable, have you observed the shopping carts in Russia?”
Source: independent.co.uk