Fox News interrupts Trump’s rally speech to provide several fact-checks in real time.

Fox News interrupts Trump's rally speech to provide several fact-checks in real time.

Fox News interrupted President Trump’s rally speech to provide several fact checks.

While on the campaign trail in South Carolina before the Republican primary against Nikki Haley, Donald Trump’s rally was interrupted by Fox News in order to fact-check his statements.

Neil Cavuto introduced a list of corrections regarding various topics, such as the stock market, gas prices, and the 2020 election, by stating: “While everyone is entitled to their own opinion, they are not entitled to their own set of facts.”

Former president has requested that Alabama legislators take prompt action to address the recent state supreme court decision that has caused disruptions in IVF treatments and created legal confusion for doctors and families.

The GOP rushed to craft a unified response to the decision, while the opposing party connected it to a prolonged effort to hinder reproductive healthcare and limit abortion access.

The verdict for Mr. Trump’s civil fraud trial has been determined to be $464.6 million, of which $454.2 million is his personal responsibility. Interest will begin accruing today at a rate of $114,553.04 per day for all defendants and $111,983.86 for him alone.

The previous leader is scheduled to speak at the Conservative Political Action Conference during lunchtime on Saturday.


Welcome to the selection process for the vice presidential nominee for the Trump campaign.

Eric Garcia writes:

As the Republican presidential primary has essentially been won by former president Donald Trump, Friday’s Conservative Political Action Conference was an opportunity for potential vice presidential candidates to showcase themselves as Mr. Trump’s running mate.

Serving as Trump’s Vice President is a risky and uncertain undertaking. This is due in part to the fact that the previous person in this role, the composed and devout Mike Pence, publicly disagreed with Trump’s attempts to overturn the 2020 election and faced threats to his safety from Trump supporters as a result.

Similarly, when January 20, 2024 arrives, Trump will be 78 years old and will only be eligible to serve four more years. If Trump is re-elected, this individual will essentially become his successor, inheriting both the advantages and disadvantages of his presidency. However, if Trump is not re-elected, this person will be responsible for rebuilding the Republican Party, which is currently in a state of disarray. In the event that Trump is found guilty of a crime during his campaign or passes away while in office, this individual will become the face of the Republican Party.

Continue reading…

Oliver O’Connell24 February 2024 00:00


What is the daily interest accruing on Trump’s civil fraud case debt?

To summarize, a significant amount.

The combined sum of money owed, which includes interest prior to the trial, is $464,576,230.62 for all defendants. Of this amount, $454,156,783.05 is specifically owed by the former president.

From this day forward, daily post-judgment interest will accumulate at a rate of $114,553.04 for all defendants and $111,983.86 for Mr. Trump individually.

This is what will occur if he is unable to make the payment:

Oliver O’Connell23 February 2024 23:45


Watch: Newsmax joins Fox News in adding disclaimer to Trump speech

I need to ensure the satisfaction of my lawyers…

Oliver O’Connell23 February 2024 23:30


What can we anticipate from Trump’s upcoming CPAC speech?

Andrew Feinberg writes:

During his upcoming speech at the Conservative Political Action Conference, former president Donald Trump will likely address and attempt to resolve the issues within the Alabama Supreme Court.

Mr Trump, who has previously bragged about his role in “terminating” the federal right to legal abortion, is set to speak at the annual right-wing confab just days after the Yellowhammer State’s highest court essentially outlawed in-vitro fertilisation in a shock ruling that led the state’s IVF clinics to shutter their doors.

The recent ruling and its consequences have caused significant impact among Republican candidates at both state and federal levels. They have faced challenges in addressing the surge of Democratic enthusiasm following the backlash to the Dobbs decision by the federal Supreme Court. This decision overturned the long-standing Roe v Wade ruling, which had previously guaranteed abortion rights across the country.

The former president used Truth Social to express his endorsement for “the development of robust, prosperous, and healthy American families” and “access to fertility treatments such as IVF in all states across America” on Friday.

Continue reading…

Oliver O’Connell23 February 2024 23:15


Notable moments from President Trump’s speech at a rally in South Carolina tonight.

It seems that wind turbines lead to an increase in prices. Who would have thought?

“They are maximizing their efforts under the Trump administration…”

I am unsure of the meaning of that statement.

According to Trump, there are five possible reasons why the Justice Department may investigate Nikki Haley, but he is unwilling to disclose them.🤫

Tim Scott, the “high-quality person,” seems highly motivated to become vice president.

Attending Trump rallies can be emotionally taxing, particularly when the discussion centers around tariffs.

Oliver O’Connell23 February 2024 22:45


According to Stephen Miller, the Democrats altered the legislation in order to target Trump.

Stephen Miller, the ex-speechwriter for Donald Trump, accused New York of altering their laws in order to target the former president. Speaking at the CPAC conference in Washington DC on February 23rd, Miller, known for his anti-immigration stance, warned against the use of broad and overreaching laws that could be used to destroy individuals. He pointed to the recent actions taken by New York, where a judge ordered Trump and his associates to pay a large sum of money and restricted their business activities in the state. Miller argued that this change in the law was unconstitutional and solely aimed at attacking one man.

Oliver O’Connell23 February 2024 22:15


View: Fox News interrupts Trump’s speech for fact-checking purposes.

Oliver O’Connell23 February 2024 22:07


The Trump advisor openly discusses the use of RNC funds for covering Trump’s legal expenses.

Chris LaCivita responded to NBC’s Vaughn Hillyard by saying, “Absolutely not.”

Oliver O’Connell23 February 2024 22:00


The decision about embryos in Alabama causes a debate about the separation of church and state, as the chief justice cites Bible verses.

The chief justice of the Alabama Supreme Court cited a higher authority when declaring frozen embryos to be legally recognized as children in the state.

Chief Justice Tom Parker caused concern for supporters of the separation of church and state and pleased religious conservatives who are against abortion by including quotes from the Bible and Christian theologians in his concurring opinion.

According to Parker, taking a human life is unacceptable as it goes against the beliefs of a divine being who sees it as an insult to their own creation.

Last week, the decision made by the Alabama court was a result of legal action taken by couples who had their frozen embryos destroyed due to negligence.

The initial consequence of the decision was that in vitro fertilization facilities in Alabama could face increased risk of litigation and be hesitant to provide services. However, there were also growing concerns about Parker’s direct mentions of Christian beliefs.

Oliver O’Connell23 February 2024 21:45


The Biden campaign has issued a statement in response to comments made by President Trump regarding IVF.

Julie Chavez Rodriguez, the 2024 campaign manager for Joe Biden, has issued a statement in reaction to Donald Trump’s recent remarks expressing support for IVF. This comes after the alarming decision by the Alabama Supreme Court which has placed the practice in a precarious position within the state.

According to her, American women are more concerned about being unable to access fertility treatment due to Donald Trump, rather than what he posts on Truth Social.

To clarify, the restriction of IVF for Alabama families is a direct consequence of Donald Trump’s Supreme Court appointees reversing the decision of Roe v Wade. Trump is accountable for over 20 bans on abortion, limitations on women’s autonomy in family planning, and assaults on contraception. He boasts about his reversal of Roe and continues to mention it on his campaign events, including last night.

“Trump’s legacy and the impact of his actions on women cannot be ignored. He and his staunch supporters are aiming to impose a nationwide ban on abortion, restrict access to contraception, and dismantle women’s healthcare across the country. On the other hand, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are committed to safeguarding women’s health and preserving their right to make choices regarding their reproductive health.”

Oliver O’Connell23 February 2024 21:25
