During his CPAC speech, Trump made a comparison between migrants and Hannibal Lecter, which was described as “rambling”.

During his CPAC speech, Trump made a comparison between migrants and Hannibal Lecter, which was described as "rambling".

Trump calls Biden a ‘threat to democracy’ and claims he is ‘a political dissident’

During his lengthy and unsettling speech at the Conservative Political Action Conference in National Harbor, Maryland, Donald Trump likened migrants to Hannibal Lecter and alleged that they are originating from “insane asylums”.

On Saturday, the ex-president discussed his attempts to spread an anti-Biden message, stating that “migrant crime” is now considered a distinct type of crime.

At the CPAC event, Mr. Trump stated that he had considered naming it “Biden Migrant Crime”, but decided against it as it was too lengthy. Instead, he referred to it simply as migrant crime.

“We have a new category of migrant crime, and it’s going to be more severe than violent crime and crime as we know it,” he added. “Because we have millions and millions of people and they came from prisons and jails. They came from mental institutions, and [were] insane.

“They are not equivalent. An insane asylum is an intensified mental facility. It resembles Silence of the Lambs. Remember Hannibal Lecter? They are all entering our country,” he stated. “Along with that, we have terrorists, drugs, and human traffickers. The influx has reached unprecedented levels.”


The video shows Milei, president of Argentina, warmly embracing Trump backstage at CPAC.

Milei, the president of Argentina, greeted Trump with a strong embrace backstage at CPAC.

Benji Salmon25 February 2024 02:30


Trump likens migrants to Hannibal Lecter by suggesting they are originating from “insane asylums”.

During his speech at CPAC, Mr. Trump stated that he initially wanted to name it “Biden migrant crime,” but that was too lengthy. Therefore, he decided to simply refer to it as migrant crime.

“We now have a new type of crime committed by migrants that is expected to be even more serious than violent and traditional crimes,” he stated. “This is due to the fact that we have a large number of individuals who have migrated from prisons, jails, and mental institutions, many of whom have mental health issues.”

“They are not equivalent. An insane asylum has intensified characteristics of a mental facility. It can be compared to Silence of the Lambs, specifically with the character Hannibal Lecter. All of these individuals are being brought into our country,” he asserted. “In addition, we have terrorists, drugs, and human traffickers entering at unprecedented rates.”

“I’ve never witnessed anything like this before,” stated Mr. Trump. “Just three years ago, our border was the most secure and safest it has ever been in US history. We successfully put an end to catch and release, except when it was occurring in Mexico. We also had catch and release within our own country. In total, we constructed 571 miles of border wall, exceeding my initial promise.”

A research conducted by Ran Abramitzky, an economist from Stanford, revealed last summer that immigrants have not caused a rise in crime over the past 140 years.

According to the study, immigrants are 30% less likely to be in prison compared to white U.S.-born individuals. Additionally, when including Black Americans, who have higher rates of incarceration, immigrants are 60% less likely to be incarcerated than those born in the United States. This information was shared by the speaker at the time.

Gustaf Kilander25 February 2024 02:00


CPAC commemorates the recent Alabama IVF decision, while President Trump and members of the Republican party distance themselves from it.

During the Reagan Dinner on Friday night, Bishop Joseph Strickland, who was previously the bishop of Tyler, Texas, spoke about a controversial issue that Republican elected officials have been trying to avoid: the Alabama Supreme Court’s decision that frozen embryos should be recognized as children according to state law. He emphasized the importance of conservatives leading Republican politicians to uphold the value of human life.

He stated that the ruling from the Alabama court aligned with our Catholic beliefs, while speaking to the conservative supporters and donors following an auction that involved selling paintings of Donald Trump and Jesus Christ. This was before a speech from unsuccessful presidential nominee Vivek Ramaswamy.

Bishop Strickland, whom Pope Francis relieved last year from his position, called upon conservative activists to push Republican elected officials to stand steadfast behind the Alabama court ruling.

“We have a responsibility to educate them on the complexities of scientific advancements, such as playing the role of a deity by creating and freezing embryos, which are often discarded too easily,” stated the speaker.

This week, the Alabama Supreme Court ruled on a wrongful death lawsuit filed by three couples who had their frozen embryos destroyed in a clinic accident.

Eric Garcia25 February 2024 01:30


In the CPAC vice president straw poll, Ramaswamy and Kristi Noem are tied for first place, while Nikki Haley and JD Vance are ranked last.

Saturday was already a tough day for Nikki Haley, with her loss in the South Carolina presidential primary. And to add insult to injury, the last day of the Conservative Political Action Conference revealed that conservative leaders do not support her as Donald Trump’s vice presidential candidate.

The CPAC concluded by revealing the final outcomes of the CPAC straw poll, in which a former advisor of Trump stated that it would decide who would accompany Mr. Trump.

Governor Kristi Noem of South Dakota and former presidential candidate and businessman Vivek Ramaswamy shared the stage at the conference on Friday. They both received 15% of the votes, with Ramaswamy also headlining CPAC’s Reagan Dinner on Friday and speaking again on Saturday after Mr. Trump.

Tulsi Gabbard, a former member of Congress, recently announced her departure from the Democratic Party and spoke at CPAC on Friday. She received nine percent of support from attendees at the event, placing second as a potential running mate for Mr. Trump.

Both South Carolina Senator Tim Scott, a previous presidential contender who now supports Mr. Trump, and Elise Stefanik, the moderate-turned-MAGA New Yorker and House Republican Conference Chairwoman, received 8% of the votes.

Ms. Haley, who addressed CPAC in the previous year but was the target of jokes by attendees, received only 2% of the vote, putting her on par with Ohio Senator JD Vance, who participated in a sitdown interview at this year’s CPAC.

McLaughlin & Associates, the pollster for Mr. Trump, conducted the survey, which may be seen as demonstrating Trump’s backing despite not being entirely scientific.

Eric Garcia25 February 2024 01:09


In a recent video, Trump declares that those involved in the January 6 insurrection were treated worse than anyone else.

Trump claims that the January 6 insurrectionists were not treated fairly compared to others.

The Independent25 February 2024 01:00


CPAC is heavily influenced by anti-trans ideas and practices, with Republican members using religious references and promoting a “war on families.”

During his speech at the current Conservative Police Action Conference, conservative commentator Michael Knowles revisited a controversy surrounding his statements from the previous year, in which he stated that “transgenderism must be eliminated from society.”

The statement from last year, which was interpreted as promoting violence against transgender individuals, was criticized by both LGBT+ advocacy organizations and the White House. This condemnation came amidst a surge of anti-trans laws targeting youth nationwide and concerns over mistreatment and aggression fueled by the rejection of transgender individuals’ identities.

During this year’s CPAC, he reiterated his belief that “men cannot become women” and pointed out that the response to his statement highlights the “identity crisis” that America is facing due to its decline in religion.

During his speech on Thursday, he went on a long rant criticizing not only transgender individuals, but also marriage equality, abortion rights, and surrogacy. However, his remarks did not receive much attention outside of the sparsely attended convention hall. This highlights the widespread use of anti-trans rhetoric at the conference and within the Republican party.

As LGBT+ communities and families across the nation are reeling from the death of a bullied gender-fluid 16-year-old in Oklahoma, CPAC’s attendees – including close allies of Donald Trump and activist influencers dedicated to ending affirming healthcare – repeatedly misgendered and ridiculed trans people, all while invoking Christianity and Biblical passages.

During the previous CPAC event, Senator Tommy Tuberville from the Republican party disregarded trans girls and women by referring to them as “biological boys”. He argued that sports must be safeguarded as they have played a significant role in shaping our country.

In the current year, he proposed a law that would prevent any governing organization recognized by the US Olympic Committee from permitting transgender women to compete in any sporting event designated for females.

Alex Woodward25 February 2024 00:00


Gustaf.Kilander24 February 2024 23:33


In a foreboding speech at CPAC, Trump declares himself a “proud political rebel.”

In his speech at CPAC, Donald Trump stated that he considers himself a “proud political dissident.” This comes shortly after he likened himself to Russian leader Alexei Navalny, who passed away in a Siberian prison with the cause of death still unknown.

During a speech in National Harbor, Maryland on Saturday, Mr. Trump expressed his belief that Joe Biden and his associates have placed the American people in a position of being trapped and heading towards servitude and destruction. He claimed that this is happening at an alarming rate, which Biden may not fully comprehend. Trump also stated that he doubts Biden understands the situation and is surrounded by advisors with harmful fascist ideologies.

“A ballot cast for Trump is a means to regain liberty. It serves as a pass to break free from oppression,” he stated. “Furthermore, it is the sole method to avoid Joe Biden and his associates’ rapid descent into chaos. Presently, we are enduring a state of turmoil.”

Meredith McGehee, an expert on government ethics, recently stated to The Washington Post that President Trump has expressed his frustration with the current system since taking office.

She stated, “When he expresses a desire to be a dictator for one day, it shows that he does not value the democratic process as it is typically perceived by the American political system.”

On Saturday, President Trump stated that Joe Biden poses a threat to democracy.

Donald Trump has repeatedly and incorrectly stated that the 2020 election was stolen from him. However, there is no evidence to support these claims.

“I am not just your previous and potentially future leader, but also a proud rebel in the political realm. I am a dissident,” stated Mr. Trump, acknowledging that he has been charged more times than Al Capone.

Gustaf Kilander24 February 2024 23:30


Kristi Noem and Vivek Ramaswamy have both received an equal number of votes in the CPAC poll for who should be Trump’s running mate.

Gustaf Kilander24 February 2024 23:20


Donald Trump gave a lengthy speech at CPAC that ranged from aggressive to comical, where he discussed potential attacks on President Biden in the 2024 election.

Donald Trump, the previous president, gave a sneak peek at his criticisms of current President Joe Biden for the 2024 election during his address at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) on Saturday. In his speech, he jumped between making fun of his opponent and sharing lengthy stories.

On the day of the South Carolina primary, Mr. Trump delivered a speech at the Gaylord National Resort & Convention Center. It is anticipated that he will easily win over the state’s previous governor, Nikki Haley.

The former president, who was impeached twice and indicted four times, was the highlight of the 50th annual conservative convention where he first entered the political scene in 2011. The convention, organized by married couple Matt and Mercedes Schlapp, has now become primarily a celebration of Mr. Trump.

Donald Trump arrived at the conference nearly an hour behind schedule and proceeded to give a 90-minute speech. During his speech, he alternated between discussing his proposed actions for seeking revenge in politics and strengthening immigration policies, while also ridiculing Joe Biden and the press.

In anticipation of potential criticism from the media about his tendency to tell lengthy stories, which included discussing his meetings with the Mexican government and his trip to Iraq, he tried to dismiss their comments. He confidently stated, “They’ll claim I rambled, but no one can ramble like this. They’ll say I’m rambling because I have cognitive impairments, but in reality, it’s quite the opposite. It’s pure genius.”

“I am aware of the individuals in positions of power who tend to speak at length, sharing uninteresting and unpleasant anecdotes. However, I believe these are actually informative and significant stories. Additionally, there is no issue with my cognitive abilities; if there were, I would be aware of it.”

Eric Garcia24 February 2024 23:15

Source: independent.co.uk