During a Question Time episode, a guest blasts the leader of the Scottish National Party in Westminster for their insincere displays of emotion regarding the conflict in Gaza.

During a Question Time episode, a guest blasts the leader of the Scottish National Party in Westminster for their insincere displays of emotion regarding the conflict in Gaza.

The leader of the SNP in Westminster was accused of insincere empathy towards the Gaza conflict by another panelist on BBC’s Question Time.

During the 14 March episode, there was a disagreement between Stephen Flynn and Melanie Phillips, a Times journalist, as they talked about the aid that was entering the enclave.

Ms Phillips, who lives part-time in Israel, blasted Mr Flynn’s demand for a ceasefire without Hamas releasing hostages and also claimed that she has seen pictures of “stocked” food markets in Gaza.

When Mr Flynn responded to her allegations by calling them “outrageous”, she retaliated with a personal assault, calling him out for shedding “crocodile tears” and noting that his “hypocrisy is monumental”.

Source: independent.co.uk