Anesthesiologist emailed himself 122 child abuse images: police

Anesthesiologist emailed himself 122 child abuse images: police

A Florida anesthesiologist faces nearly a dozen charges after police say he uploaded more than 100 files of child sexual abuse online.

David Rerko, 61, was arrested on Thursday by the Broward County Sheriff’s Office. Rerko has been a licensed physician in the state since 2006, and worked as an anesthesiologist at Broward Health North, according to WPLG. He is also licensed to practice in Mississippi.

The National Center for Missing and Exploited Children alerted authorities that Rerko had uploaded abuse material to his account, according to the report.

Yahoo! Had tipped off the center about illicit images and videos.

Detectives checked the account and found Rerko emailed himself 122 files of child sexual abuse and 117 files of “child erotica,” according to the report. His name was a signature at the bottom of the emails.

David Rerko, 61, an anesthesiologist in Florida, is accused of uploading child abuse images online using his email (Broward County Sheriff’s Office)

The victims in the files were between the ages of 8 and 13.

The physician was arrested on 11 felony counts and is being held on $110,000 bond, according to WPLG.

In a statement, a spokesperson for Broward Health told the outlet, “We were dismayed to learn that an anesthesiologist provided to our system by a third-party contractor has been arrested. Upon learning the nature of the charges, we immediately notified his employer that the physician’s privileges were revoked and that he is not permitted on any of our properties.”
