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The residents of a building in Bristol were forced to vacate their apartments due to structural issues being uncovered.
A study was conducted on three out of 98 units at Barton House in the Barton Hill neighborhood, revealing a potential threat to the building’s structure in case of a fire, explosion, or significant impact.
The Bristol City Council is requesting that all tenants vacate their homes as a precautionary measure, until more thorough inspections can be conducted.
Those who have the option to stay with family or friends are encouraged to do so temporarily. Others will be provided temporary housing at the Tawfiq Masjid & Centre mosque, where they will have access to beds, food, and drinks.
The careful approach being implemented at Barton House aims to protect the residents’ well-being by avoiding any unnecessary risks.
The council issued a statement stating that the duration of this temporary agreement will be determined by a future examination of the building, which is currently being arranged to take place at the earliest opportunity.
All renters will receive frequent updates on the progress and changes in support arrangements.
The careful approach being implemented at Barton House aims to prioritize the safety and wellbeing of its residents, avoiding any unnecessary risks.
There is currently no evidence to indicate any imminent threat to one’s health or well-being.
If you reside in the area and have not had the opportunity to communicate with council officials, please contact the toll-free hotline at 0800 694 0184.
The lines will be available until midnight on Tuesday and from 8:30am to 5pm on Wednesday. Residents can contact 0117 922 2050 outside of these hours.
On Wednesday, starting at 10am, residents can go to the Citizen Service Point at 100 Temple Street to receive assistance from the council.
The governing body stated that there is no proof of similar problems occurring in other buildings on their property, despite the fact that the flats were constructed in 1958.
Avon Fire and Rescue Service has been notified about the progress and more details will be provided to tenants as the situation develops.
Source: independent.co.uk