A newly arrived, uncommon infant ‘dancing lemur’ is adjusting to its new surroundings at Chester Zoo.

A newly arrived, uncommon infant 'dancing lemur' is adjusting to its new surroundings at Chester Zoo.

The first video of a Coquerel’s sifaka baby, also known as a “dancing lemur,” has been released by Chester Zoo. The newborn is classified as critically endangered.

A new, small baby was welcomed by Beatrice (11) and Elliot (10) after a five-month pregnancy.

Sifakas are commonly referred to as the “dancing lemur” due to their distinctive style of locomotion.

They maintain a completely vertical posture while utilizing their strong legs to jump from side to side on the ground. They are capable of leaping over 20ft in one bound through the treetops.

The newest addition to Chester Zoo has been spending its first few months bonding with its mother and holding on tightly to her fur while she jumps from tree to tree.

The baby, now three months old, is starting to gain independence and is starting to venture out and discover its surroundings.

Source: independent.co.uk