Moscow has responded to speculation about Putin suffering a heart attack as fighting continues in Crimea and Ukraine.

Moscow has responded to speculation about Putin suffering a heart attack as fighting continues in Crimea and Ukraine.

The consequences of the Russian missile attack on a Ukrainian mail facility resulting in the death of six people.

The statement about Vladimir Putin being unwell has been rejected as a nonsensical rumor by the Kremlin, who also assured that the dictator is doing well.

Dmitry Peskov, a spokesperson for the Kremlin, stated that this falls under the category of ridiculous false information that multiple media outlets are persistently discussing. He added that it only elicits a smile.

Posts on the Telegram messaging app surfaced on Sunday alleging that Putin had experienced a heart attack. The channel stated that the Russian leader was in a critical condition and not expected to survive until the end of fall, and that any official engagements were being carried out by a lookalike.

According to Mikhail Razvozhayev, the governor of the region appointed by Moscow, Ukraine recently carried out an attack on Russia’s Black Sea fleet near Sevastopol in Crimea, which has been described as an “underwater sabotage.”

Shortly after, the Russian defense ministry announced that it had eliminated three unmanned Ukrainian boats in the Black Sea near the Crimean peninsula.

The ministry reported on the Telegram messaging app that the area where unmanned boats were spotted was targeted by anti-sabotage missiles and bombs.

Despite facing heavy losses, Putin has deployed additional troops to the frontline in Avdiivka, Ukraine as part of a failing offensive.


The Kremlin denies allegations of Putin’s poor health.

The Kremlin has refuted the allegation that Vladimir Putin is ill, calling it a ridiculous hoax and stating that the dictator is in good health.

The Kremlin’s representative, Dmitry Peskov, stated that this falls under the classification of nonsensical fake news that numerous media outlets persistently discuss. It only elicits a smile.

This past Sunday, messages appeared on the Telegram messaging app alleging that Putin had experienced a heart attack. The channel stated that Putin was seriously unwell and not expected to survive until the end of autumn, and that all official meetings were being carried out by a body double.

During a 2020 interview, Putin refuted persistent speculation that he employs lookalikes, but acknowledged being presented with the option to do so in the past for safety purposes.

<p>Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said the claim Putin is unwell is an ‘absurd hoax’ </p>

The assertion that Putin is not feeling well, according to Kremlin representative Dmitry Peskov, is a ridiculous falsehood.

Alexander Butler24 October 2023 10:55

During the temporary operation of the Black Sea corridor, Ukraine exported approximately 700,000 tons of grain.

According to UkrAgroConsult, Ukraine temporarily utilized a Black Sea corridor to export approximately 700,000 tons of grain.

During a meeting of the EU Council on Agriculture and Fisheries in Luxembourg, Mykola Solsky, the Minister of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine, stated:

In August, we established a temporary waterway in the Black Sea with the assistance of our armed forces and the cooperation of our international allies. Daily, there has been a rise in the amount of ships utilizing the ports. Since its launch, 38 vessels have arrived and over 30 have departed, though not all carrying grain. However, we were able to successfully export nearly 700 thousand tons of grain.

According to Solsky, in order to maintain our agriculture as an important part of the economy, we must export approximately 6 million tons per month. This level of transportation can only be achieved by fully restoring the deep-water ports in Greater Odesa. There is a growing trend of more ships departing from these ports, and we hope it will continue.

<p>Ukraine needs to export six million tons of grain per month to preserve agriculture as a key sector of the economy </p>

To maintain agriculture as a vital part of the economy, Ukraine must export six million tons of grain every month.

Maira Butt25 October 2023 07:03

A candidate who supports Ukraine has withdrawn their attempt to become the Speaker of the US House of Representatives due to disagreements within the Republican party.

Representative Tom Emmer has withdrawn his attempt to become the leader of the United States House of Representatives, just a few hours after being chosen as the House Speaker nominee by his colleagues in the party.

According to Reuters, a Republican staffer verified the information, pointing to internal conflict within the party that has caused Congress to be at a standstill for several weeks.

Emmer has consistently supported policies in favor of Ukraine and is regarded as an ally by pro-Ukraine members of the Republican party.

Maira Butt25 October 2023 06:02

and Severodonetsk

Russian kamikaze drones caused injuries to a man during their attacks on Nikopol and Severodonetsk.

Governor Serhii Lysak stated that Russian military utilized kamikaze drones and artillery in two distinct attacks on Tuesday in Nikopol, located in the Dnipropetrovsk Oblast region. The governor shared on his Telegram channel that these strikes caused injury to a 36-year-old resident.

According to reports, the attacks caused damage to a hotel, a veterinarian clinic, a car, and a power line.

The governor reported that the victim who was harmed is currently in the hospital with shrapnel injuries and is in stable condition.

Maira Butt25 October 2023 05:00

President Zelensky says Ukraine-German ties at an “all-time high”

Ukraine’s President Volodmyr Zelensky addressed the Ukrainian-German business forum on Tuesday in a day he said was “filled with international work”. The forum included companies from a number of sectors including defense, energy and infrastructure.

President Zelensky posted an update on the social media platform X (previously known as Twitter), stating: “There are favorable agreements and collaborative initiatives. I express my gratitude to Chancellor Scholz, his team, and all Germans. The trust and connections between Ukraine and Germany are currently at their peak.”

The forum has been running for five years with a specific emphasis on “reconstructing Ukraine.”

On Tuesday, Ukraine’s Prime Minister Denys Shmyal met with German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier, coinciding with the latest update.

<p>Ukraine’s Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal, left, shakes hands with German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier at Bellevue Palace, in Berlin on Tuesday 24 October. </p>

On Tuesday, October 24, Ukraine’s Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal shook hands with German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier at Bellevue Palace in Berlin.

Maira Butt25 October 2023 04:00

A candidate who supports Ukraine has been nominated for the position of Speaker of the US House of Representatives.

The Associated Press has reported that Tom Emmer has been chosen by the Republican Party to be their nominee for House Speaker.

Congressman Emmer has been the Majority Whip in the US House of Representatives since 2023 and has consistently supported pro-Ukraine initiatives in Congress. It is customary for the House Speaker to be seen as the leader of the majority party in Congress.

The group Republicans for Ukraine, comprised of members from pro-Kyiv parties, has given Emmer the highest possible positive rating.

<p>Tom Emmer has been nominated House Speaker for the Republican party</p>

The Republican party has chosen Tom Emmer as their nomination for House Speaker.

Maira Butt25 October 2023 03:03

The detained journalist’s sibling urges Biden to maintain his focus on securing their release.

The sibling of a journalist from the Wall Street Journal who is currently being held in Russia has implored President Joe Biden to prioritize their release. She expressed worry that the ongoing crisis in the Middle East may divert attention away from the situation in Ukraine.

Evan Gershkovich’s sister, Danielle, stated that their family sent letters to him for his 32nd birthday while he remains in a Moscow prison after six months of detention.

“When we see the news, any news, we’re always thinking of it through the lens of what does this mean for Evan? Our focus is on Evan,” she said. “We just have to continue to ask President Biden to prioritize this and bring Evan home to us.”

<p>Danielle Gershkovich urged President Biden to remain focused on her brother’s release</p>

Danielle Gershkovich implored President Biden to maintain his focus on securing the release of her brother.

Maira Butt25 October 2023 02:05

A military official reports that Avdiivka is facing continuous and intense artillery and air assaults.

He stated that the opposing forces are continuously attempting to encircle the city and are bringing in reinforcements from both the north and south.

For the past two days, they have primarily been working in smaller teams, attempting to discover vulnerabilities in our defense, yet have been unsuccessful. The defense line remains strong.

According to Oleksandr Shtupun, a spokesperson for Ukraine’s southern group of forces, the increase in military activity is “unsurprising” due to the reported deaths and injuries of over 2,400 Russians in the Donetsk region.

Maira Butt25 October 2023 01:02

A government representative cautions against replacing reliance on Russia for energy with dependence on China.

On Tuesday, Geoffrey Pyatt, the assistant secretary for energy resources at the State Department, stated that it is important to avoid simply swapping Europe’s reliance on Russia for gas with a shared dependence on Chinese clean technology and essential minerals. He emphasized the importance of not succumbing to a sense of hopelessness and not assuming that this competition is already over.

As former ambassador to Ukraine, Pyatt said the US needed to ensure China did not dominate wind power, small nuclear power and hydrogen – an emerging fuel that could help mitigate carbon emissions from hard-to-abate industries like cement and aluminum smelting.

<p>Russia and China have become increasingly close in recent months with President Vladimir Putin considered a guest of honour at a meeting in Beijing this month</p>

In recent months, there has been a growing bond between Russia and China. This was evident when President Vladimir Putin was welcomed as a guest of honor at a meeting in Beijing earlier this month.

Maira Butt25 October 2023 00:02

The Russian military begins intense aerial bombardment while reducing their ground assaults.

In the span of two nights, Russia has deployed a total of 40 bombs in the vicinity of the town of Avdiivka, as they intensify their aerial attacks in the surrounding area.

The spokesperson for the Tavria group of forces, Oleksandr Shtupun, reported a decrease in ground attacks. In a televised statement, he stated that they had been reduced by 50%, while air strikes had increased.

According to The Kyiv Independent, Russia’s primary goal is to encircle the town of Avdiivka, which it views as strategically significant for its military objectives.

<p>Skirmishes between Ukrainian and Russian troops have intensified in Avdiivka in recent days</p>

In the past few days, there has been an increase in conflicts between Ukrainian and Russian military forces in Avdiivka.

Maira Butt24 October 2023 23:00
