As he gears up for his testimony in a defamation trial, Trump criticizes E Jean Carroll: Live coverage.

As he gears up for his testimony in a defamation trial, Trump criticizes E Jean Carroll: Live coverage.

Donald Trump defeats Nikki Haley in New Hampshire.

The trial for defamation by Donald Trump will continue in New York on Thursday, following a delay earlier this week due to concerns of potential exposure to Covid-19 for the jury and defense team.

The previous leader was anticipated to give testimony against the accuser, E Jean Carroll, on Monday.

He is anticipated to testify in court when the trial continues today.

A previous jury has determined that Mr. Trump is responsible for sexually assaulting Ms. Carroll in a department store dressing room in the mid-1990s and for later defaming her.

He strongly refutes the accusations and, on Wednesday evening, launched a string of criticisms on Truth Social against the ex-Elle magazine writer and the judge who is known for being a critic of Trump.

“I am returning to New York City for a court proceeding regarding false allegations that may date back decades,” he seethed.

After winning the New Hampshire GOP presidential primary, the Republican front-runner taunted Nikki Haley, his only remaining opponent, as he solidifies his control over the party.

President Trump referred to Ms. Haley as a “fake” and expressed frustration at her decision to not withdraw from the competition.


The recent “victory speech” by Trump in New Hampshire clearly showed his fear.

Holly Baxter discusses how Trump revealed his true fears during his heated victory speech on Tuesday night, in which he repeatedly criticized Haley for not dropping out and acting as if she had already won.

Joe Sommerlad25 January 2024 11:45


The United Auto Workers union officially announces their support for Biden as the presidential candidate.

This is a setback for Trump’s efforts to gain support from working-class Americans by claiming that President Biden is not the best person to lead the country’s economic recovery from the pandemic.

The United Auto Workers union has officially announced their endorsement of Joe Biden for the position of president.

On January 24th, the United Auto Workers (UAW) officially supported Joe Biden’s campaign for re-election. This decision follows a period of uncertainty as to whether the influential auto union would back the 46th president. At the conference, UAW president Shawn Fain stated, “While Donald Trump pointed fingers at the American worker, Joe Biden showed his support for them.” Fain also emphasized that Biden has earned the endorsement. In 2019, Biden made history as the first US president to join striking autoworkers on a picket line at a Michigan auto factory.

Joe Sommerlad25 January 2024 11:15


Susan Collins is facing criticism for her position on Trump’s ballot.

The senator representing Maine under the Republican party is receiving heavy backlash for defending Trump’s eligibility to be on the ballot in her state. She disagrees with Shenna Bellows’ choice to exclude him based on Section 3 of the 14th Amendment of the US Constitution, which bars those who incited insurrection from holding public positions.

Collins previously alluded to casting a vote in favor of Trump’s initial impeachment in the Senate but ultimately backed out and declared her belief that he had gained insight from the experience.

After a violent disturbance, a subsequent impeachment, and facing 91 serious criminal charges, her argument is not being viewed favorably in history.

Neither are her X peers.

Joe Sommerlad25 January 2024 10:45


The Maine Supreme Court declines to make a decision on Trump’s eligibility for the 2024 ballot.

The highest court in Maine decided not to intervene in the matter of whether ex-president Donald Trump can remain on the state’s ballot. This maintains a previous ruling by a judge that the US Supreme Court must first address a similar case in Colorado.

Shenna Bellows, the Democratic secretary of state, determined that Trump did not fulfill the requirements to be on the ballot due to the insurrection clause in the US Constitution. However, a judge has temporarily halted this decision until the Supreme Court makes a ruling on a similar case in Colorado.

The Maine Supreme Judicial Court made a unanimous ruling to dismiss Bellows’ appeal regarding the order that she must wait for the US Supreme Court’s decision before making any changes to her decision to exclude Trump from the primary ballot on Super Tuesday.

“The court stated that the Secretary of State believes there will be significant damage if there is a delay in determining whether Trump’s name should be included on the primary ballot, as it may cause confusion among voters. However, this uncertainty is the reason why we have chosen not to pursue immediate appellate review in this specific case.”

In December, Bellows determined that Trump was not qualified to be on the ballot due to the 14th Amendment, making her the first election official to do so. The Colorado supreme court also reached this decision. The upcoming Maine primary on March 5th adds urgency to the situation.

The Supreme Court of the United States will hear arguments regarding the Colorado case on February 8th, and Maine has already started sending overseas election ballots. This is the first time the highest court in the country will address Section 3 of the 14th Amendment, which disqualifies individuals who participated in insurrection from holding public office. Many legal experts believe this clause, originally meant for post-Civil War times, could be applied to former President Trump due to his actions in attempting to overturn the 2020 presidential election and inciting his supporters to storm the US Capitol after his defeat to Joe Biden.

Trump argues that Bellows should have disqualified herself and that her views were prejudiced against him. Trump stated that her actions deprived Maine voters of their rights and were a deliberate attempt to prevent him from being on the ballot.

Bellows, chosen by the Legislature dominated by the Democratic party, stated that she was obligated to reach a conclusion after multiple individuals disputed Trump’s eligibility for the primary election. She postponed her decision on Trump’s eligibility until the court process is completed and promised to comply with the court’s final decision.

This is the report written by Ariana Baio regarding the initial ruling.

Joe Sommerlad25 January 2024 10:15


Trump goes on a social media tirade against E Jean Carroll before her testimony, on Truth Social.

Last night, Trump was active on social media and expressed anger towards the woman he will see again in a Lower Manhattan court today. He shared numerous old posts from her social media account that he disagrees with and denied ever having met her before.

He is expressing anger over having to go back to New York for a trial based on false accusations, possibly from many years ago. He also mentions that the federal judge in this second trial involving a political opponent is extremely hostile towards him and is a strong hater of Trump for some reason. Despite knowing his innocence, the judge seems determined to harm him. This situation is unique to America.

Joe Sommerlad25 January 2024 09:45


Trump has cautioned donors to Haley’s campaign that they will no longer be allowed in the MAGA community if they contribute.

Our protagonist is portraying the leader of a criminal organization and giving an order in the style of the Mafia to expel anyone who has donated to his opponent’s campaign from his group.

Last night, he passionately stated that we will not accept them because we prioritize America and will continue to do so.

Martha McHardy possesses additional.

Joe Sommerlad25 January 2024 09:15


According to his supporters, Trump’s significant victory in New Hampshire makes it unlikely for Haley’s White House campaign to be successful.

Amelia Neath25 January 2024 08:45


The New Hampshire primary vote revealed Trump’s main vulnerability.

In the Republican primary in New Hampshire, Mr. Trump defeated Nikki Haley by a margin of 11 points. Since entering the race, he has consistently held a significant lead over his GOP opponents. While his wins in Iowa and New Hampshire have highlighted his appeal to Republicans, they have also revealed some vulnerabilities.

Kelly Rissman examines the findings more closely.

Oliver O’Connell25 January 2024 06:45


Haley faces ominous threats of ‘investigations’ from Trump.

The ex-president seemed to intimidate his previous United Nations representative following her declaration to persist in her pursuit of the 2024 Republican presidential candidacy.

Mr. Trump addressed his supporters on Tuesday night, making a mention to Nikki that despite her possible victory, she would immediately face an investigation by certain individuals within 15 minutes. He asserted that he could provide five reasons for this, although they may seem insignificant to others. These reasons may not be publicly discussed by Nikki, but she would undoubtedly come under scrutiny within minutes of winning.

Ron also made the decision to leave.

Graeme Massie reports:

Oliver O’Connell25 January 2024 04:45


The speech given by Trump after winning in New Hampshire contained numerous untrue statements.

Donald Trump made false statements about past elections.

The ex-president alleged that the Democratic party utilized the Covid pandemic to unfairly influence the outcome of the previous presidential race. CNN presenter Jake Tapper interrupted, stating that it is widely accepted that Donald Trump did not emerge victorious in 2020 and this has been repeatedly addressed, but to his audience, they continue to believe it despite it being false.

The individual then stated that he had achieved victory in the last two New Hampshire elections. “We have won New Hampshire three times now, three times. We are victorious every time. We win in the primary. We win in the general election. We have won it and it holds a special place in my heart,” declared Mr. Trump.

In the past, he was the victor in the Republican primaries in the state, but in 2016, Hillary Clinton emerged as the winner of the Granite State, and in 2020, Joe Biden achieved the same feat.

Kelly Rissman25 January 2024 02:45
