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The Met Office has predicted that some areas of the UK will experience snow before Christmas.
According to Oli Claydon, a representative for the weather predicting organization, there will be snowfall in the North Sea region, specifically Scotland and the northeast of England, starting on Wednesday through the weekend.
According to him, there will be scattered snowfall but it is unlikely to result in a substantial amount of snow on the ground.
The remaining areas of the UK can expect cold temperatures starting on Tuesday. The forecast predicts temperatures dropping as low as -8 degrees Celsius in secluded hills and valleys in Scotland.
In the meantime, some rural areas in eastern England may experience temperatures dropping as low as negative five degrees.
According to him, snow may be seen in the southeastern regions of the UK, specifically Hampshire, by the end of the week.
“Yet, it is possible for it to stay dry.”
The temperature in London is expected to range from 1 degree Celsius to 0 degrees Celsius for the entire week.
Temperatures across the nation will reach highs between 2-7C, which is lower than the usual for this season.
Mr. Claydon recommended that individuals check the weather before embarking on a trip.
In addition to the upcoming snow and freezing temperatures, there are expected to be periods of rain in the northern and eastern regions on Monday evening.
From Tuesday to Wednesday, most areas will experience periods of sunshine, while coastal regions may see some showers.
The forecast predicts increasing instability in the weather, with snow showers in the northern regions of the UK and precipitation in the southern areas.
I am a news provider from the Independent.
I am a news source from the Independent.